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Herbal Supplements vs Prescription Drugs - The Real Score

         Views: 2471
2007-11-20 06:12:17     
Article by Bruce Maul

Why did I not think of that before?

Next to a sigh of relief, that is what every patient recently treated with herbal supplements can quip once the symptoms of the disease begin to clear. There are many others who have witnessed the healing wonders of herbs; some of them are already dependent on prescription drugs for many years, only to find their attempts to cure a chronic infection entirely futile. Though with herbal remedies, they share more promising stories.

What is in the extract of herbs that make them a potent cure for diseases? Plants manufacture naturally occurring compounds that promote a healing effect on humans. Some of these aromatic elements are present as phytonutrients that not only provide essential vitamins and minerals, but also supply the body with antioxidant compounds that buffer vital organs against the harmful action of toxic metabolites. Many of the medicinal properties found in prescription drugs have been derived from the extracts of popular herbs.

So what is the real score between prescription drugs and herbal supplements? Of course, we can not help it that we are born into a culture that is largely reliant on synthetic formulations for medical treatment. Moreover, we can not deny the fact that prescription drugs can provide an effective cure. But the process of treatment between conventional medicine and alternative medicine, that is herbal supplements, spells the difference for the sustenance of your health and well being.

The synthetic formulation inherent with prescription drugs has been devised to cripple down and terminate pathogens contaminating the infected organ or soothe the inflammation. Oftentimes, the treatment comes with harsh side effects that you will either have to endure completely or take a complementary medicine to rid the body of its discomforts. The worst side effect of the prolonged use of prescription drugs, particularly antibiotics, is the weakening of the bodys immune defenses that make it susceptible to chronic infections.

Herbal supplements, on the other hand, offer a holistic approach to treatment where a potent formulation of different herbal extracts work in synergy to soothe the inflammation and subdue the pathogens causing infection while treating underlying systemic disorders and restoring a persons vitality. Best of all, herbal supplements do not come with the side effects pertinent with prescription drugs. And why is that? One of the component herbs in the formulation works to cushion the side effects of the stronger herbs.

While it appears that the curative nature of herbs are not as extensively documented and publicized as compared with licensed medicine distributed to support the medical profession, the overwhelming testimonies of patients inflicted with diverse infections and ailments who found relief in the therapeutic doses of herbal supplements, are evidence of their ability to cure diseases.

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed, Herbal Remedies and other health related products. Learn more about Herbal Remedies by visiting http://www.myherbalremedystore.com

Specialized in: Herbal Remedy - Herbal Remedies
URL: http://www.myherbalremedystore.com
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