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Mediation - A Better Way To Divorce

         Views: 2338
2007-05-10 10:29:47     
Article by Brian Connor James

People who were considering getting a divorce last year but held off because of the holidays, will most likely take that step in the first six months of this year. Statistics indicate that with each passing year, the number of people getting divorced is rising. And each year, the children are the ones who suffer as their parents bitterly fight over every issue from money to visitation.

Can anything be done to make getting divorced an easier situation for all the parties involved? There is an answer, and it is mediation.

Exactly, what is mediation? Unfortunately, mediation is not very well known to the people who need it the most. However, mediation is gaining popularity due to its potential advantages over fighting it out in court. A few of these advantages are:

! Keeping the children's best interests at the forefront.

! Mediation cost less and takes less time than working your way through the court system for years.

! It allows for the parties to be in charge of their divorce.

! It fosters communication for the purpose of agreements.

"Mediation also has other advantages," says Brian James, president of C.E.L. & Associates, a certified mediator who specializes in pre and post divorce issues. " The payer of child support and/or maintenance is more likely to make monthly payments if agreed upon during mediation. Plus, you will spend less time in the court system."

Because a judge's calendar is so full, he or she has little time to really get to know the people getting divorced. A mediator takes the time to get to know the parties involved.

For further information on this subject, please contact Brian James at (312) 524-5829 or goto his website, www.celandassociates.com.

Brian James is an experienced Divorce and Family Mediator with offices throughout Chicagoland and Southeastern Wisconsin. He started his mediation practice, C.E.L. and Associates, in late 2005.

Brian earned his B.S. in Sociology from Northern Illinois University in 1994 and completed training in Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Northwestern University.

The first 10 years of his professional career, Brian worked in the Criminal Justice System helping domestic violence and divorcing families resolve family conflicts. He assisted with the healing process that took place after these life-changing events had occurred. His approach to mediation is client driven. By aiding his clients with the resolution of their divorce issues outside of the courtroom, Mr. James helps create a win/win situation for all parties in a divorce.

Specialized in: Job Coaching - Interview Training - Job Consultant - Interview Consultant - Prenuptial - Prenuptial Agreements - Nuptial Agreements - Divorce - Divorce Mediation - Pre-decree Divorce - Pre-decree Divorce Mediation - Post-decree - Post-decree Divorce Mediation - Marital Mediation
URL: http://www.celandassociates.com
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