2007-04-03 09:06:17
Article by Chip Westley |
Your Sony PSP system can be used for much more than just playing games. The Playstation can be used to play video clips, download and play music, store and view photos, and more. Now Sony has announced that the PS3 will include support for your bluetooth and an optional onscreen keyboard for text entry and other jaw dropping features. This amazing device has become even more amazing.
The PSP is most widely used as a gaming platform. You can play online games that range from sports such as major league baseball to professional wrestling. You can imagine you are skateboarding like Tony Hawk or invading the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
With a few simple steps you can transform your PSP into a music center. You can download and enjoy a wide range of tunes via your Playstation. From Hip-Hop to Gospel, it is all available for you to enjoy on your ingenuous PSP.
You can enjoy movie clips and even full feature movies on your PSP. It seems that all the latest movies and television shows are readily available for you online. The functionality of this little machine is truly breathtaking.
And now Sony is making the Playstation3 even more functional. With the new software update, users will be able to connect to the Folding@home project from Stanford. What is the Folding@home project? It is a program aimed at understanding diseases such as Alzheimer's and many cancers. The project uses the computing power of your Playstation to help perform computer simulations which help researchers better understand various diseases. Interestingly, the PS3 is able to perform these calculations many times faster than the typical home computer.
The new software download features enhanced downloading. There will be an option to use a full onscreen keyboard so that you can enter text more easily. The built-in browser on the PS3 will now be enabled to let you zoom in on the section of the web page you are interested in viewing.
This multifaceted little tool just got even more convertible with the latest update. You will need to connect your PS3 to a personal computer to get this latest update. It is not only gamers that will benefit from the latest upgrade.
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