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Why You Should Create Your Own E-Book

         Views: 1885
2007-02-12 06:25:34     
Article by Chris Kent

You can start an online business by selling information on the internet. This Information is usually in the form of an e-book. Writing an e-book is similar to writing a book except that e-books contain significantly less pages. A lot of people are making money online by starting websites and selling e-books, and a lot of them make a steady and profitable income. However, by writing your own you could make a much more substantial income

Create Your Own

You can build a much larger income by creating and publishing your own e-book instead of simply re-selling other people's e-books.When you write your own e-book you have total control of not only the text but also the advertisements and links you want to use to generate interest in your website. By publishing your own e-book you gain many advantages and the potential to tap into to several means of increasing your income.

Become an Expert

By writing e-books you can generate a lot of knowledge on a particular subject and become something of an expert. This can be very helpful because people generally prefer to buy products from people that they consider to be experts on the subject. By being able to offer your own quality and informative e-book you can establish yourself as someone who knows what they are talking about. This will help you gain trust and build your profile online. As you gain respect people will start to come to you and your site when they require support, advice, and products. This will bring in more customers and subscribers.

More Exposure

As an internet marketer an e-book will help you bring traffic to your website. By producing and publishing a free e-book you will benefit by receiving valuable traffic from the e-book because of the free information you are providing,which is what people want. By providing a free e-book you are effectively putting yourself and your products in the shop window. You can generate very good money by having affiliate links to your products and services. One every occasion that somebody makes a purchase through one of these links you will receive a commission.

You can also include relevant links to other products and information sources. In order to further market your e-book, encourage readers to distribute the e-book to others as a gift or as a bonus to one of their own websites or newsletters. The more you can market your e-book the more exposure you will get, and therefore the more income you will create.

Finally you can offer your e-book for sale on Ebay, and advertise it by using Google Adwords. You could watch your e-book shoot to the top of the search engine listings while you calculate your income.

Specialized in: E-book
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