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Finally A Healthy Way To Lose Weight!

         Views: 2146
2007-02-05 22:35:32     
Article by Thomas McEntyre

I know a lot of people make New Year's resolutions, but many people seem to fail at them. This past Monday, Monday Jan 22, is considered the most depressing day of the entire year. It is considered this because so many people quit the New Years resolution. So I ask you do you really want to lose weight? This time last year I was in the same situation that you are. I weighted nearly 300 pounds and now I weight 193 pounds. I tried just about every way to lose weight and nothing was really working.

I was extremely obese and very uncomfortable in my own skin. So I tried several different things. The first was just not eating, aka i was being anorexic, and it was not working at all. I tried different weight loss programs that my mom was on and none of them worked for me, or her. Then we finally found a program that helped us lose our weight. We found better fitness, and it combined the diet I needed and the amount of exercise that I would need to do to accomplish my goals. I found Better Fitness worked for me with amazing results and I suggest that anyone who can use it get to the program and sign up. It works with amazing results and my mom and I have both lost quite a bit of weight just by using this program and sticking to it. So if you want to keep your New Year's resolution and you feel yourself slipping then give this program a try.

Specialized in: Healthy Way
URL: http://mcetho.bezoogle.com
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