Ebooks - How Effective is Article Marketing in Promoting Ebooks?

       By: Sean Mize
Posted: 2006-10-30 04:39:44
You have written your first ebook. You know that the market for it is great, you have created a web site, and you have been submitting your web site to various ebook directories. Unfortunately, you are not getting any orders for your book.Perhaps you have even purchased a traffic generation manual that guarantees you thousands of visitors everyday. Maybe you have even started using some of the techniques in the manual. Maybe you are getting traffic, but still no sales.The problem is that the visitors to your web site are not looking for information about your book. They are generally random web surfers who click in and click out. What if you had access to a steady stream of prequalified visitors who have already expressed an interest in the topic of your new ebook?Enter article marketing.Article marketing involves writing short articles on the topic of your new ebook and submitting them to online article directories who promote your articles online for free. When people read your articles, and express an interest in the subject matter of your articles, they can click through to your web site to learn more about your book and possibly buy it.
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