Having The Right Attitude While Preparing A Dissertation

       By: Benjamin Allen
Posted: 2011-02-08 00:53:38
By now, you've probably heard nightmarish stories from your friends, family members, peers etc just when you're getting ready to write a dissertation. Just mention the word to any one you know with a university education, and you're bound to get the look that says "poor poor soul."Dissertations, or theses as they're otherwise known around the world, are a necessary requirement to fulfill in order to earn a degree. Each dissertation is evaluated by a committee which comprises of one supervisor and two (or more) committee members. These committee members must themselves hold a Doctorate in their field (i.e. PhD etc). Their responsibility is to review the dissertation, provide feedback to improve the overall content, and of course, sitting in on the defense.Your normal dissertation consists of a title page, a brief synopsis, table of contents, the chapters themselves, and a references section. If you ever thought about writing a book in your life, then preparing a dissertation is nearly the same but with a lot riding on it. Writing and preparing your own custom dissertation writing isn't an easy task. It requires focus, patience and a positive attitude. Proper motivation is the key to accomplishing this task, which means that you'll need to avoid the slightest bit of negativity about it. Considering how dissertations are required as the final requirement, students tend to be sloppy and not prepare the dissertation using maximum efforts.One of the most important aspects to keep in mind while writing a dissertation is to put your heart into it. Remember, your dissertation will be reflective of your attitude & personality. It symbolizes your best qualities and shows that you give your best to whatever you do. If your dissertation comes off as being lethargic, the examiner will get the feeling that either you did not have interest in the topic at all, or were just acting out of desperation. It's important, therefore, to pick a topic which you can easily relate to, and manage to get it approved by your supervisor. And in case you do get a topic that you've never heard of before, do try to get yourself involved in it. The more you get to learn about it, the more you'll start to like it.
Make sure that you have a wide variety of sources from where you can conduct research for the article you get. Libraries, newspapers and the internet are some of the best spots where you can obtain relevant information. Make a note of any observations you think can also be used to put your point across. And of course, do consult your professors or supervisors, in case you stumble somewhere.
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