Choose To Live Healthy With Fruit Juice

       By: Robert Ross
Posted: 2011-01-22 01:33:39
This article will discuss exactly why drinking fruit juice is so much healthier than anything else. 100% fruit juices do not contain dangerous additives. Although you may not realize it, sodas are full of harmful additives which can work to destroy our bodies. High fructose corn syrup and phosphoric acid are just two of the ingredients which can contribute to illnesses such as diabetes and even cancer. Even seemingly healthy products such as powdered lemonade and sports drinks can contain unhealthy additives. If you care about keeping your body safe with what you drink, fruit juice is the best way to go. Some fruit juices, such as grape or apple juice, rarely have added sugar. Not only does this help to keep you healthy and fit, but can also help to prevent tooth decay. While sugar rotting teeth may remind us of being six years old, it is still a fact that is does play a major role in tooth decay for people of all ages. To keep your teeth healthy, check to see if the fruit juice you are buying has added sugar.Unlike sodas, fruit juices do not contain addictive substances such as caffeine. Not only does caffeine cause insomnia and hyperactivity, making it a good substance to keep away from young children, but it can also cause serious and life-threatening conditions if taken in large doses. Fruit juices such as 100% purple grape juice contain antioxidants; these antioxidants can help to trap destructive free radicals which would do harm to your body. It has actually been reported that the health benefits of purple grape juice stay with you longer than those of wine. Fruit juices also help you to stick to a healthy eating and exercising routine, making them a perfect choice for this new year. Let’s face it: it’s going to be a lot easy to stick to your morning exercise schedule if you have a bottle of grape juice in hand rather than a soda. Another huge benefit of fruit juice is that is works for everyone in the family! Whither you’re trying to diet or just pick something up for your children to enjoy, fruit juice is a choice which everyone can benefit from. When buying fruit juice, remember to check the label and watch out for ingredients such as added sugar, fructose, or corn syrup. While juices made with 100% juice and few to no additives make a healthy drinking choice, some fruit juices are over-processed to the point of making them little better than a soda. Start living a little bit healthier today. When you go to the supermarket, make it a point to avoid the soda aisle and instead go for a bottle of 100% grape juice; your body will thank you!
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