Could I Contract Asthma?

       By: Lee M Duncan
Posted: 2010-10-21 05:22:41
When your lungs are functioning normally, the air is taken in and mixes with the bloodstream. Carbon dioxide is then released from your lungs creating a balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Bronchial walls are made up of a diverse collection of cells. The cause of inflammation in your bronchial tubes can lead to wheezing, coughing and also shortness of breath. The loss of the ability to breathe in asthma patients is called an asthma attack. This is where the air flow through your bronchial tubes almost comes to a complete stop. Inhalers loosen up the mucus in the bronchial tubes and allow more air to pass through.

Contracting Asthma has been studied for a long time now and it is believed that your genetic background, strength of your immune system and a constant exposure to environmental pollution will cause asthma attacks. The interaction with various types of environmental pollutions and allergens weakens your immune system allowing it to become vulnerable to many different types of diseases and sickness. When your body gets what is called a "toxic burden" your immune system starts to break down trying to heal the damage that is being done. The problem is that you become more and more susceptible to troubled breathing due to asthma triggers.

Asthma triggers are the biggest problem for someone who suffers from this disease. Once you have contracted Asthma you have to start being very careful of things that you come in contact with such as allergens, environmental pollution and chemical exposure. Our skin can absorb 60% of what it comes in contact with. Let's say you spill your cleaning products on your skin, and you are wearing no protection. Your skin starts absorbing it into your body, which over time and exposure can lead to many health challenges such as Asthma. Some asthma triggers that can bring on an asthma attack are...
Colognes and perfumes
Smoke from fire
Certain types of cleaning products
Exercise such as running or jogging
Dust and dust mites
Second hand smoke
Environmental pollution
Pets and pet dander That's just to name some of the worst ones. Avoiding these triggers can give your body the chance to avoid a terrible asthma attacks. Attacks that can you leave you breathless and scared for your life. Experience with this horrible disease not only opens your eyes to why we contract it, but more importantly how we can eliminate it once we do have it. There are many ways to control asthma but unfortunately it doesn't lead to the elimination of the disease. Prescription drugs just cover up the problem but they don't really get to the root cause. The problem that caused you to have asthma in the first place could be many different things such as exposure to the things we have already discussed.

Did you know that when our bodies become burdened with toxins it has a way to eliminate them naturally from the body? The problem these days is that our bodies are overwhelmed with toxins and our immune system starts to break down because of the inability to remove them from our bodies fast enough naturally. What your body can not get rid of the toxins naturally it is forced to absorb them into various places in the body. I believe that if we can find a way to give our body the help it needs to remove these toxins naturally. Our bodies can heal themselves no matter what the disease.Lee M Duncan and his brother Tyler Duncan invite you to come learn more about how you can overcome asthma symptoms and in some cases, eliminate it altogether. We have spent many years in the health and wellness industry and have helped many people to overcome many different types of health challenges. We invite you to get your free report on how to overcome asthma at
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