Alarm Clocks For Heavy Sleepers - Here's What To Look For

       By: Josh Eldridge
Posted: 2010-10-14 08:47:03
Alarm clocks for heavy sleepers usually come as a combination of an alarm clock with an electrically powered bed shaker. If you are not familiar with the bed shaker, it is a small device which vibrates the bed and wakes you up. I will show you later in this article where you can buy one of these alarm clocks for heavy sleepers, currently with free shipping included.The concept behind these dual alarms is that if you sleep through the alarm, although you probably won't because it is so loud, then you will be woken by the bed shaker. The two together, the clock and vibrating bed shaker, make a formidable duo which can rouse even the hardest sleepers to wake up.The clock has an adjustable tone and volume control, and the noise it emits is 110 decibels. If you are not familiar with this level of noise, try listening to the sound, just to see how loud that level of noise actually is. Some people find that it is not so much the loudness of the noise which matters when it comes to waking up, as the tone of the sound, as some noises are more irritating than others, and they are the ones that are most effective in getting us out of bed.Shake The Bed... That Works!The bed shaker, or vibration pod, which comes with the clock alarm, can be placed under the pillow or under the mattress. For some, the bed shaker is enough to wake up by and you might not need to use the alarm at all. You just have to test it for yourself to find what works.If you find you can sleep through ordinary alarm clocks, then consider alarm clocks for heavy sleepers as an alternative. These are a different concept, and have the single purpose of ensuring you wake up, each and every morning, and at the time of your choosing.Click here for an alarm clock for heavy sleepers, with FREE shipping included. Or visit:
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