Lose Weight With Fish Oil - How Omega 3 Fish Oil Helps Obese People With Weight Control

       By: Mike M Gibson
Posted: 2010-10-07 08:34:46
With over 300 million people in the world today who are obese, it is no wonder that scientists are constantly looking for ways to help eliminate this problem. This problem is now ranked as the leading preventable cause of death in the world.It is one of the most serious threats to public health of the 21st century. It is a global concern, yet there still are no solid answers as to why it happens to some and not others, or why some are able to reduce their weight and some just cannot.People are still looking for an answer. As more information is gathered about Omega 3 fish oil, scientists are seeing how it might be beneficial in the area of weight control and obesity. There are many causes of obesity from genetics and gender to illnesses and medications.Regardless of the cause, obesity results in the body retaining an excess amount of body fat. This usually occurs when a person is more than 20% above the normal weight for their body. Obesity can have many adverse effects on one's health. But how does one actually become obese? What causes it?The answer lays more in the types of fats and how they balance each other out, than it does in the quantities of food one consumes. Most obese people tend to eat an unhealthy diet. They consume too many processed foods and foods high in carbohydrates. These types of diets increase the levels of fats in one's body.They raise the Omega 6 fatty acids. The body needs both Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids to function properly. Omega 3s are more difficult to eat great quantities of since they come in foods like fish oil, salmon, mackerel, herring, and walnuts. This results in a much lower level of Omega 3s.When these two fats are out of balance it causes various problems in the body. One such problem is it raises one's insulin levels extremely high. This can confuse the body and it can be the reason fat is stored instead of being burned as it should be.By consuming more of the fatty acids in Omega 3 fish oil, one can bring balance back to the two fat levels and they can once again work as they should.This is not a quick fix for those who are obese or even overweight. It still requires one watch their diet and increase their exercise levels, but using Omega 3 fish oil supplements can certainly help make a person more successful in their endeavors.If you're interested in reading more about the health benefits of omega 3s and fish oil supplements, feel free to visit my website where I discuss the truth about omega 3 fish oil and what I personally use to stay healthy and in shape.You can view my website now by clicking this link: http://www.omega-3-supplement.com
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