Michael Costigan - Youth Speaker and Teen CEO

       By: Kathie Hurley
Posted: 2010-09-19 07:48:40
Michael's a youth speaker and teen CEO. He challenges teens to live their own life and not according to someone else's plan for them.Michael Costigan is a voice for all young adults. He speaks to both teens and the adults who care about them.Many teens think the surest way to success and happiness is conformity. Michael wants to change that for your teen audience because it simply isn't true. He's experiencing teen life first hand just as all other people his age are. The social and peer pressures, identity and self esteem issues, bullying... the list goes on. Things weren't all smooth sailing for Michael, along the way he hurt relationships and made many mistakes, but inevitably he found the path he wanted to follow, and now he wants to help teens overcome the same challenges he faced. Michael strives to empower teens with not just motivation, but practical first hand knowledge. He wants to share with teens the very same guidance and experiences that have shaped him and enables him to live his life for himself and not according to someone else's plan. Michael captivates and entertains any teen audience to the best of any speaker's ability because he's a teen himself.
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