Desperate To Diet

       By: Blake G. Jefforson
Posted: 2010-09-06 04:50:26
Many people fail at the battle of the bulge because they don't fully understand what it really takes to lose weight. When fighting an enemy (in this case, FAT) you have to take the time to understand it a little first. Like the cliched saying "Knowing is HALF the BATTLE!". So on we go. Most of us know that the 2 most important things when it comes to weight loss is both exercise and dietary habits. These 2 complement each other very well and when these efforts combined, you'll be losing the fat like nobody's business but alas many people go through the wrong route of doing it. When someone is desperate to lose weight, they'll either starve themselves to death or exercise themselves to the point of injury. I don't have to tell you that this is the wrong way of approaching weight loss. So, it's HOW you do it that matters the most here. Going to the extreme when it comes to weight loss will only shorten your life span, not prolong it. Plus, there's no shortcut to permanent weight loss. But I assure you that losing weight is MORE than possible.What most weight losers want is to have an increased metabolism rate. This is the rate your body burns off calories. The higher it is, the more it burns. Simple as that. Restrictive dieting only lowers your metabolism rate and that is why extreme dieting NEVER works. When your body thinks there is scarcity of food, it'll slow your metabolism in an effort to conserve energy, that is why you'll feel sluggish when you embark on this kind of diet. And when you next meal comes, your body will immediately store it as fat because it thinks you are starving. Bottom line?
Stop STARVING yourself!Here are some ways that you can do to increase your metabolism rate : Cardio Is The Way To Go
Cardiovascular exercise is great for those wanting to lose body fat. The longer the duration and the more intense the workout the better. Always start out easy if you're new. Gradually step up a notch from there when your body gets stronger. Consistency is the main key here. Try to exercise every other day and also give your body the much needed rest it needs in between your workout days. The body only gets stronger when it repairs itself after an intense workout and this only happens during resting periods. So resting is just as important as the workout itself. The good news is that with consistent exercise, your metabolism rate will continue to stay up for days even when you're NOT exercising. More Output Than Input Please
There is no mistake about it. YOU MUST eat. The nutrients from foods will help replenish your body's expended energy and is essential for repair. But remember, it's WHAT YOU EAT that matters the most when it comes to losing weight. Having a tub of ice-cream after an exercise is NOT the way to go. If you have a sweet tooth, opt for a juicy apple or pear instead and try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. But you don't have to totally deprive yourself of your favorite foods. It's okay to have a "cheat-day" and sometimes it just takes 1 or 2 bites satisfy a craving. Know the difference between your body's craving and hunger!Drink When...Hungry?
Water is one of the best appetite suppressant out there. Not to mention the cheapest and healthiest one there is. Sometimes it's easy to overlook something so easily and readily available. When your body is properly hydrated, your body as a whole will function better. This includes the fat burning process. Drinking a glass of water before and after meals will help you feel "fuller" and it helps you to not overeat and you need to increase your intake especially during workouts. Sometimes that hungry feeling we get might just be a sign of dehydration and a glass of water is what you need. And keep in mind that whenever we do feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated.These are just some simple ways to start you on your weight loss journey. It may seem like nothing but everything adds up in the end. Plus these tips are easily done from the comfort of your own home and there's no reason you can't start now. Health is never worth the gamble.If you're really serious or desperate to lose weight, I strongly suggest you do it the right way. The Diet Solution Program is perfect for anyone wants to lose weight healthily, naturally, holistically and safely. Learn all about the program through The Diet Solution Program Review The Diet Solution Program Review web page today at=
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