How to Overcome the Problems of Working at Home

       By: Joe Dockter
Posted: 2010-08-17 05:01:45
Clearly the most difficult problem of working at home is time management. The line between career and personal life can become blurred and create a whole new set of problems. Like a double edged sword working at home can either cause you to work longer hours or become distracted with domestic chores and family issues. Ideally you will have an office with a door you can close to help reduce the endless distractions associated with working at home.When the door is closed friends and family members need to understand that even though you are at home you are not available. Being at home may cause your motivation to suffer. Distractions like television and the Internet can easily pull you away from your work. Being at home allows easy access to you by friends and neighbors who may drop by unexpected. After all you are at home and not at work. You will get calls at home that you would not get at work because the caller thinks they are not interrupting you when you are at home.Here are some simple steps you can take to improve the chances of working at home being successful:Define your work space. Whether it is an office, a corner of the couch, a spot at the table or certain room clearly define the space as yours and inform others of this fact.
Set your work hours. Your hours of work will depend on the type of work you are doing. Be sure to separate you personal time from your work time and let others know when you are working. Decide on how many and when your hours of work will be. If necessary print a copy of your work hours for you and others.
Staying motivated. The traditional job has its own motivator, show up or get fired! At home, however you will need to set goals, and reward yourself when you meet your goals. Remind yourself why you wanted to work at home. Associate effort with income.
Kill the Productivity Killers. Answer e-mail at the end of the day. Close the instant messenger and internet browser. Stays focused and avoid bouncing back and forth between tasks.
Identify your most productive time of day. When do you feel most alert? Are you an AM or PM person? Schedule your heavy work first and the easier stuff when you are tried.
Take your work seriously. Working from home takes tremendous discipline and focus.When you work at home you will need to be self-motivated. You will need to have strategies to become more productive and reevaluate them as you go along. Remember that successful time management can equal successful business.Joe Dockter (OldManJoe)
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