Internet Consultants Understand All Aspects of Online Business - Tap Into Their Expertise

       By: David A Robinson
Posted: 2010-07-06 07:56:22
When starting a web project many businesses focus on web design and so approach web design companies for advice. In actual fact web design is one of the more straightforward aspects of developing a web presence and it makes more sense to speak to an internet consultant as he or she will be able to advise on design, implementation and promotion.Web design is fast becoming a commodity. Using free templates and one of the many fantastic open source content management systems you can be up an running with a professional website in no time at all. Because of this there are many web design companies around the world who, to be honest, are little more than hobbyists who've seen an opportunity to make a fast buck. Are these people really the best placed to guide you through the process of taking your business online? Do you really want your online business success to rely on the efforts of someone who knows only fractionally more than you? It's not a good plan.The same could be said of the SEO industry. Because SEO has quickly become high profile and potentially very beneficial to businesses who get it right, companies offering these services have proliferated and to be honest, most of then fall into the same category as the aforementioned web design companies. At best they are lucky chancers, at worst they will destroy your online reputation.All this leaves businesses in a sticky situation and where the internet services industry is concerned it's hard to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is however an answer, internet consultants.The internet is a different kind of business channel. In essence it's a communications medium but it's also a software platform, think about tools such as Google Docs or your online banking and you'll see what I mean. Just like the stock market seems, to the outsider, to be alchemy, a strange blend of chance and science, so the internet seems to some to be a technical and sometimes challenging environment.This is where an internet consultant could be invaluable to your business. These guys understand all aspects of the net from the technology that makes it work through to the way search engines decide which page to rank first and which one not to rank at all. They may not be web designers but they will understand web design. They may not be web programmers (although they often are) but they will understand what's possible and what's going to be hard or expensive to achieve.Most importantly of all an experienced internet consultant will be able to guide your company through the complexities of creating a web presence, improving your website, creating a web based tool to help you better serve your clients, looking for ways to promote your website and everything in between.The road to online success is often fraught and for every great website, web application or online marketing campaign there are hundreds of failures. Dave Robinson runs a company called Red Evolution, based in Scotland. They are internet consultants with a track record of helping companies make sense of and more importantly use of the web.With a plain English approach RedEvo, as they are affectionately known, help businesses really understand how the internet fits into their organisation and how they can not just create a successful website but fully leverage the web to allow them to do business in a better and more profitable way.
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