Common Herbs to Regrow Hair Without the Hassles

       By: Christopher Litmon
Posted: 2010-04-03 06:53:51
Ever thought of using herbs to regrow your hair? You'll find that herbs are great for doing so. They are natural, cheap and best of all they can really produce some amazing results in hair growth.The only thing you need to know before you can begin making those drastic changes happen are which herbs to use. There are quite a number of them, all can produce beneficial results in fighting hair loss. However one of the best herbal extracts to use especially if you are a male is saw palmetto.Saw palmetto is not only a great herbal remedy for your hair, but it is even prescribed by most physicians to help maintain a healthy prostate gland. What saw palmetto will do in order to stimulate hair growth is block the hormone dihydrotestosterone. This is most commonly called DHT for short.DHT is produced by an excess of testosterone in the male body, and then it goes on to destroy healthy hair follicle cells. Taking saw palmetto daily is an excellent way to ensure you are doing your part in regrowing your hair effectively.Another herb that works very well in regrowing hair is ginkgo biloba. It's one heck of an herb as it works to increase blood circulation throughout your entire body. Just why is good circulation so important for your hair you may wonder?Well first of all your blood carries nutrients to various parts of your body. These nutrients are most certainly needed by your hair follicles if you are to ever see your precious hair again.Many herbal supplements contain ginkgo biloba and you may even find this in various energy drinks. I wouldn't recommend getting your daily supply from an energy drink though in order to regrow your hair. It is best to stick with the actual supplement itself.325 mg of it per day is a great amount to take to make sure you're providing your hair with the nutrition it needs to grow.Conclusion: I'm living proof that the average person can regrow their hair naturally. Discover how I was able to grow my hair back in under 10 minutes a day without any hair loss products in this free 15-page report here:
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