Amazing Tricks to Quickly Lose Weight and Keep it Off

       By: George Christodoulou
Posted: 2010-03-28 08:09:11
The whole secret of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than your body uses during the course of the day. Diet is important, but this does not mean a crash diet or a starvation diet. Instead, you need to alter your diet so that you are eating healthy foods in the right amounts. This isn't a temporary adjustment, but a change in your habits that should be one you can maintain for a lifetime. This isn't to say that you can never have a piece of cake again, just that it should be a treat, not a staple part of your diet.Set realistic goals for your weight loss. Remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight, and you will not lose it overnight. A slow, steady weight loss of 2-3 pounds a week is best. This is not only good for your health, but it gives you time to adjust to new eating habits and make them a part of your life. Those who crash away the pounds regain them quickly, since they have not changed any of the habits that led to the initial weight gain. Write down your goals, and check your progress weekly. Weighing yourself daily can be discouraging, because your weight will vary day by day. Weight yourself at the same time and in the same clothes each week.Drink plenty of water. Ice water is best, because it does raise your metabolic rate as your body has to warm it to process it. Eliminate sugared colas, and try to eliminate even the diet sodas. Carbonated beverages are high in sodium, which can lead to water retention, not a very desirable thing when you're trying to lose weight.Eat raw vegetables, such as cauliflower, celery, broccoli, and lettuce. These are good sources of fiber, which can help prevent constipation, and they also require your body to work harder to digest them. Skip the ranch dip, though, just eat them straight.Set regular meal times, and make a production out of eating. Use a small plate to make portions look bigger, and eat at the table. Don't do anything else while you're eating like watch television or read. Concentrate on what you are doing--eating. Have a large glass of ice water before you begin your meal and drink another while you are eating. You will feel full sooner and be less likely to overeat.Don't eat one or two large meals a day. Instead, break food into five or six smaller meals. This will keep your blood sugar levels more even, which reduces hunger. It also keeps your metabolic rate higher, since your metabolism goes up every time you eat.Check the labels on all the products you buy. Dextrose is the term used for table sugar, but fructose is almost as bad as dextrose. Many products are sweetened with fructose and then advertised as sugar free. Technically they are dextrose free. Any word ending in the letters "-ose" is a form of sugar, such as lactose and maltose. Also watch out for serving sizes that are unrealistic, labeling a package that most people will eat in one serving as actually containing two and a half servings.Having soup before a meal or as a snack in between meals can make you feel full without adding a lot of calories. Choose water or broth based soups, such as tomato or vegetable, instead of cream soups.A decent diet that will lead to weight loss may not be the easiest habit to establish, but once you do, it is a habit that you can keep forever. Once the pounds have been lost, you should continue with the same basic eating plan, although you might want to increase your portions. You will also have the bonus of a diet that is good for your overall health.Bonus Tip: If you really want to Lose Weight fast, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can shed pounds every week with this method!=>
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