Effective Marketing For the Small Business

       By: Todd T Bates
Posted: 2010-03-25 08:08:07
As a small business it can sometimes feel like you can't compete with the big guys. They have websites that millions, they can sponsor large events, and run major commercials. How can you carve out your niche of the world with this marketing onslaught?Attempting to go head to head will only land you into bankruptcy. Being a small business means that instead of doing what they do, spending a little bit more time on your approach. When you can answer a few key questions the approach to dramatically more sales will be revealed.Consider answering the following questions before you spend any money on your marketing:What is a customer worth to you? - Maybe this sounds strange, but what is an average customer worth to you? Do they come in to your store and make a $39 purchase? Maybe your average customer finds you online and invests $67 on product. Before changing your marketing or starting something new, look at what an average customer (and the life of that customer) is worth to your business. This will help you to determine what you can invest into your marketing.
What is your marketing personality? - When you have a passion for doing something you will continue to do it. If you don't like sending out postcards then they might not be the right marketing system for you because you won't do it consistently. Find your passion in marketing whether that is developing new ads, writing pages for your website, making calls, etc and you will be able to put it into action to the extreme.
Where do your prospects spend their time? - This is an important question to ask as it gives you insight on where to launch your advertising. If your prospects are consistently outside, you may want to consider do advertising on mobile phones which is far cheaper than doing a billboard. Understanding where your prospects spend their time will help you to launch the most effective marketing for your business.
Being a small business doesn't mean your ideas have to give in to the "big guys". There are many small business marketing strategies that will keep you ahead of your competition, bring in leads, and help you to close more sales when you have the right approach.When you want more insight on specific strategies that you can apply to your business I invite you to explore a free video powered course on building Your Marketing Message.Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.
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