Eco Friendly Living at Home Begins With Simple Changes

       By: Barbara Mabey
Posted: 2010-01-26 07:30:59
Eco friendly living in the home is easy to implement starting with small changes.We all want to do our part in helping our environment and here are some really simple ways to help reduce your impact that will still play an important role and start to make a positive impact.No need to worry, you do not need to run out and buy a hybrid car or convert your house to solar power to begin to make a difference. (Unless you want to)Use Less WaterIf you shut off the water when you brush your teeth and cut your shower time down by a minute or two you will use less water which can save greatly.Attach aerators to your faucets. This device mixes air with the water flow creating good water pressure but less water. You can also replace the shower heads with low flow heads.When you do the laundry forget about throwing just a few things in the wash. Instead wait until you have a full load.Whenever possible, dry your clothes on a clothing line instead of using the dryer, and only run the dishwasher when the machine is full.Eco Friendly Living Uses Less Energy * One of the easiest things you can do to save energy is to replace your light bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs. Energy efficient light bulbs are more expensive than regular light bulbs but will save you money because they use less electricity and last longer.
* Turn down your thermostat one degree and see if you are still comfortable.
* Unplug your cell phone charger when not in use. Even though it may not have your phone attached, it is still using up power.
* Devices with a remote use up a lot of power when not in use, so put the TV, VCR and stereo on a power strip and turn it off when they are not in use.
* Make a big difference in your heating bill by closing up gaps around doors and windows by using rolls of flexible strips sold at the hardware stores.
* When it is time to purchase new appliances buy ones that are energy efficient. The savings in lower energy bills will more than make up for the expense.
* Get the kids involved by turning "saving" into a game by keeping "a score" of who uses the least amount of water and remembers to turn off the lights.If it is possible where you live, take your bike or walk to the store or for short trips. The exercise will be an added benefit.One of these short trips could be to the local organic farmer's market, because when you buy locally it saves on transport costs and supports your local economy.Buy from sustainable farmers, ranchers and other producers that use less water and techniques that pollute less.ReuseThink creatively to come up with ways to reuse as many everyday items as possible.Buy second hand. Buying second hand will save resources that would have been used to make that product new.Leave recyclable shopping bags in the car with you so you remember to take them with you into the grocery store and eliminate the need for the plastic bags they give you.Use environmentally friendly products but be careful of what it is you are buying. The best way is to make natural products yourself.Vinegar is a great way to clean and disinfect glass and other surfaces. Add baking soda to the vinegar for troublesome stains.Eco friendly living is good for you as well as the environment, you will save money and conserve our resources.
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