Teacup Chihuahuas

       By: Sanjeev Bhadresa
Posted: 2009-10-31 07:27:50
The origins of teacup chihuahuas are extremely interesting. As many people know, the tea cup chihuahua is named after a part of Northern Mexico called, you guessed it, Chihuahua!Over the course of history, the Mayans, the Toltecs and the Amazons have all shown in their artwork, the existence of a small dog, a canine companion if you will. It was in fact a custom, in much the same way as the Viking funeral, to burn the body of pets with the deceased and much respect accompanied the departing animal as treasures, food and belongings were also burnt. So you have seen teacup chihuahuas and have decided that this is the dog for you.
You must ask yourself a number of questions about the tea cup chihuahua if this is what you are searching for.There are several sizes of chihuahua but only one recognized by the American Kennel Club. The teacup chihuahuas are a much smaller version of the standard chihuahua, the dog recognised by the AKC. The breed standard usually dictates the the standard chihuahua should weight between five to six pounds and there is nothing to be gained by keeping your dogs very small.The teacup chihuahuas has over the years, become very popular. Its small size between two and a half to four pounds, simply means that. This tea cup chihuahua may always look like a puppy and maintain its cuteness throughout its life. The fact that it is tiny also mean it has portability. These are the dogs that are normally carried around in handbags and purses, dressed up in chihuahua clothes and pampered, like all chihuahuas!When choosing your puppy, please visit the breeder rather than buy online. Although you may not have any problems whatsoever, the possibility of not being aware of buying from a puppy mill is always there.Upon arriving at the breeder's residence, make sure that you can the puppy's siblings and parents. Any breeder who prohibits this may have something to hide. Your tea cup chihuahua should come with all registration papers and a health guarantee.When you choose your pup, look for bright eyes free from any discharge, check for Hydrocephalus, or fluid in the brain making the head of the tea cup chihuahua swell. This problem can be common in teacup chihuahuas. Look for a lively puppy that plays well with others and if you are drawn to the smallest pup, this may be a teacup chihuahua but compare it to the rest of the pups because it could be the runt of the litter. Check the molera or soft spot on your teacup chihuahua. It should not be overly large.It might also be an idea to check your pup's vet records, has he been wormed, had his shots etc.Check all the pups are eating well, if they are the correct age for leaving home, they should not still be feeding from their mother, they should be fully weaned. Check if the pup has any gait problems and that he or she can run or walk properly. Finally, the choice of teacup chihuahua or standard chihuahua is yours. You may not want to tea cup chihuahua proof your home as will be necessary.You may have younger children that may, by accident hurt the chihuahua when playing. It might also be wise to get your puppy insured. All teacup chihuahuas can be a little fragile and insurance will ensure that your little loved one gets the help that he needs when he needs it.When you get your teacup chihuahua home, find him a quiet spot to relax in, give him food and water as well as his own bed. You may like to use a baby gate to keep him contained and safe. Give him his own space because it is easy for him to become overwhelmed if he has a large welcome party waiting for him. To begin house training, when your teacup chihuahua has eaten, take him outside to a reserved place so that he can relieve himself and give him plenty of praise when he does. Typically, this should happen whenever he eats, pretty soon he will get the idea!Your teacup chihuahua will soon become a loving part of the family and like many other chihuahuas, you may choose to buy him chihuahua clothes! The range these days is amazing, you can find raincoats, tea shirts, dresses for those evenings out, everything is available. The one item that you may find that he really needs is a coat. The tea cup chihuahua can lose body heat very quickly and therefore a coat is an excellent idea in Fall or Winter. There are many online stores featuring chihuahua clothes and a great variety to choose from but above all, enjoy your teacup chihuahua, love him and you'll have a friend for life.Sanjeev Bhadresa is an internet marketer, scientist and former flying instructor with a passion for dogs, the smaller the better!
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