Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatments

       By: Paul Micheal
Posted: 2009-10-19 05:46:04
When searching for and using SAD disorder treatments you should take into account what side affects you may encounter. You maybe should way up the odds regarding the way Sad /seasonal affective disorder affects your life and how your are managing to cope with it, and whether or not you could cope without any disorder treatment or not.Most SAD sufferers are fine through the summer months,but as the nights draw in earlier and the weather begins to get colder seasonal affective disorder sufferers start to feel the depression creeping in and look for some form of SAD disorder treatment. You will probably find disorder treatments will vary and work differently among SAD sufferers, for some, though it may seem unbearable to others, a simple venture outside for fresh air and maybe a short walk will make all the difference in the world.The short walk will also help as a little exercise which is of course another form of disorder treatment you should always try to eat healthy as food binging will only depress you. If you are a sufferer of serious SAD / Seasonal Affective Disorder and too afraid to go outside you should make good use of the daily house work, don't look upon it as a boring chore see it for what it is exercise, while ever you're moving around the house you are exercising, put on the radio and dance through your house work and enjoy it.Exercise will also put your mind and body in highly motivated state which will help reduce your system to mild or even non existent bare in mind there may never be a true disorder treatment that will cure SAD it is something many sufferers will have to deal with in there own way, for others there will be some kind of a cure or at least a preventive cure such as the fresh air walk or a little light exercise you'll just have to see what works for you.When winter time arrives and the cold weather is upon us quite a few people simply wont venture outside it's not nice being alone especially through the winter months,the darker longer days really brings home the loneliness which is why I said earlier you should try to keep active even if your only dancing your way through your house work.As we know the winter brings in the long dark nights which sparks of the outside light aspect of Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is most definitely effected by light or rather the lack of it, but there is a disorder treatment out there for this called "SAD lights" you can find them all over the web. You really ought to think how much light you actually do see as the nights are so much longer in the winter time,you should try and make the effort to take that walk outside that we talked about earlier even if it's cold and wet you should at least get outside for an hour or so,the benefits from this will far out weigh the risk of you getting wet I guarantee you.Why not ask a friend to walk with you I'm sure they'd love to especially if you explained to them it is part of you Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment. A friend to walk with would also be like a training partner, someone to motivate you to take that first step on you road to conquering your fear both the winter blues. Remember what I've said, exercise is one of the best forms of disorder treatment therapy there is so do yourself a favour and get outside instead of being cooped up at home like a caged animalIt is my aim to publish information which may help other to overcome any obstacle, condition or disorder in their lives and as such I have written this article for anyone suffering or think they may be suffering from SAD / Seasonal Affective Disorder /Winter Blues.
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