Discover How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones Fast!

       By: Paul Hooper-Kelly
Posted: 2009-10-17 05:38:19
If you're wondering how to get rid of kidney stones, you have four choices. Happily, the easiest way is actually the quickest and most convenient. What's more, if you have to pay for medical attention, it will also save you a king's ransom.These days shockwave treatment (extra corporeal shockwave lithotripsy -- ESWL), to literally blast the stone apart into tiny particles tends to be used in preference to the more drastic kidney stone surgery.However, ESWL is not without its discomfort and risks. Research by the Mayo Clinic found the effect of the shock waves on the pancreas increases four-fold the risk of developing diabetes, later.And, if the stone is near or still in the kidney, this can be damaged by the shockwaves, leading to a dangerous reduction of rennin and other blood pressure regulating hormones.In your quest to discover how to get rid of kidney stones, medication may appear to be an easier option than ESWL. But all pharmaceuticals can produce unpleasant side effects, such as dizziness and nausea, and kidney stone medication is no exception.This is particularly so because most were originally designed for other purposes, such as tackling high blood pressure or dealing with enlarged prostates! As the prostate is an organ only present in the male, any lady being prescribed that medication may well look askance!However, the purpose of this drug and others is to free the trapped stone by relaxing and thus widening the ureter. Then other medications increase the flow of urine to help move the stone.Fortunately, you can short-circuit all this by using some, safe regular grocery items. So, doesn't it make more sense -- instead of attempting to enlarge your ureter -- to tackle the root of the problem by simply reducing the size of the stone, instead? That way it will slip out easily without the need for medication.Then, instead of more medication (with the risk of more side effects) to increase the flow of your urine. you simply use a safe soluble fiber flush to expel the stone.And the best news of all. Using the "safe grocery items" route is probably the fastest way to be free of pain and your stone. So, now you know how to get rid of kidney stones and the choices you have, I'm sure you'll make the sensible one.And you'll find simple step-by-step details in my Guaranteed_Home_Remedies_For_Kidney_Stones that get to work right away to banish your kidney stones for good. Then I'll tell you how to be sure they never come back again.Paul Hooper-Kelly, also known as The Food Physician, is "the man the medical profession and Big Pharma love to hate", because he has helped many people quickly get rid of the agony of kidney stones and now it's your turn.
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