Article Marketing For Beginners - The Fundamental 5 Steps of a Great Traffic Pulling Article

       By: Jeff Herring
Posted: 2009-09-30 06:25:52
Article marketing can bring you lots and lots of highly qualified traffic. I know because of my articles that I could not stop the traffic coming into my web sites and blogs even if I want to, and I sure as heck don't.There are five fundamental steps to a strong traffic pulling article. Let's take a closer look.Keywords - How you use your keywords in your article is important for getting found. Do not just spread your key words all over the article every chance you get. This will look stupid at best and get your article rejected at worst.The simplest rule is to make sure you use your keywords in the first and last paragraph of your article. Then just write the article and let the keywords show up naturally as result.Article Title - It's job is to get the attention of the reader and pull them into the article. One of the best ways to do this is to include in the title a benefit the reader will get as a result of reading your article. The title of this article "Article Marketing for Beginners - The Fundamental 5 Steps of a Great Traffic Pulling Article" which implies you are going to learn 5 fundamentals.Article Description - Think of your article description as the assistant to the title. Pull the reader in with a promise. Highlight what the reader will be able to do when they take action on the article.Article Body - The most important thing you can do in your article body is make sure you deliver on the title of your article. That's one of the best checks to use on yourself once you have written your article. Ask yourself, "Did I deliver on the promise of my article title?" I promised you 5 fundamentals of a great traffic pulling article. How am I doing so far?Resource Box - Offer your prospect a way to get more great information from you in exchange for their email address. Make sure what you are offering is closely related, a natural next step, a no-brainer, based on the article they have just read.And always remember: The greater your number of articles the greater all your other numbers will beYou know, the best way to put this article into action is to practice these 5 fundamentals right away, before your head hits the pillow tonight. So I am going to give you FREE Instant Access to 2 of my 37 Instant Article Creation Templates when you visit website.You'll get get two "plug-n-play" article templates - just plug in your info! And you will also get a 30 minute Audio Replay of a teleseminar about writing more articles in less time than you ever thought possible.
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