Judging a Book by Its Cover

       By: Ceci Miller
Posted: 2006-06-10 22:26:25
You know it when you see it. It’s the paper sandwich that looks so yummy you can’t pass it up. It demands a second look. A well-designed book cover is no accident. It’s the product of creative knowledge and great intuition. When you’re meeting your sweetie’s folks for the first time, you wear something special but not too garish, something that speaks volumes about what a great guy/gal you are.My grandmother’s advice to young women interested in marriage was, “Be pretty if you can, witty if you must, and pleasant if it kills you!” So it is with a book cover. Like a suitable suitor, it should be easy to love. Second, it should promise to enhance your life. A book cover must be both attractive and interesting before readers (like suitors) are willing to make a commitment.Wisdom recommends using good common sense to impress the folks. If you’re a mystery, be cryptic, enticing. If you’re a self-help guide, be up-front and upbeat. For the right book, a humorous cover works miracles. Many a goofy guy or gal who dressed unwisely to meet the sweetie’s parents, have been saved by being funny at dinner. The gist? Be different, but not so different it makes us squirm. Be funny, but not goofy. Above all, be professional. And if possible, make us stop in our tracks to check you out.
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