How to Jump Higher - Tips and Techniques That Will Turn You From a Benchwarmer to a Superstar

       By: LaShawn Jackson
Posted: 2009-08-01 07:01:03
How to jump higher tips are pretty common on the internet, which would be great, if they worked. For instance, a lot of people will recommend doing Jordan Jumps - clasping your hands behind your head and jump from a standing position. Not a terrible exercise, but it'll barely help most of you.I've been training athletes as a strength and conditioning coach for more than a decade now, and I've added thousands of inches of vertical leaps to hundreds of athletes, so I can tell you what you need to do to add 12 inches or more to your vertical.Here are my top three how to jump higher tips:Tip Number One - Work On Your ButtYes, we normally associate well developed glutes with Kim Kardashian or J.Lo, but these are some of the prime movers for jumping higher. Make sure when you lift you emphasize the muscles from your shoulder blades down to the back of your knees.Tip Number Two - Remember The Shuttle RunThe shuttle run was that thing you did back in school where you ran between erasers on the floor, picking them and moving them. It's testing your ability to run, stop, run and it's a great way to train yourself to move quicker. And quickness is one of the keys to improving your vertical.Tip Number Three - Get A Six PackNow, having six pack abs looks great, but it can also improve your performance. Being bigger is usually better, so long as the bigger is muscle. Extra fat is just like strapping weights to your legs, so get as lean as you can without losing muscle.These are my top how to jump higher tips, but there are lots of things you can do to increase your vertical. Just make sure you work hard and work consistently and you'll improve your vertical in no time flat.
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