Food Effects on Body, Mind and Spirit

       By: Shoshana Moskowitz
Posted: 2009-05-03 08:48:57
"Let food be thy Medicine" Hippocrates, 431 B.C.Foods have subtle, and not so subtle, effects on our mind and spirit. Food choice can also be seen as a cause and also as a symptom, a result of, a state of mind. When we are used to a certain type of food, we tend to continue to choose it automatically, despite the fact that it may not be providing our body with nutrients and our mind with balance. We tend to choose the foods that reinforce and reflect our physical, mental and spiritual state of awareness.Historians have found that Grain eating cultures tend to be more developed in areas of arts, science and spiritual development. Meat eating cultures tend to develop more aggressive tendencies of anger and passion.Ayurvedic physicians and Yogis have been aware of this for thousands of years. The divided foods into three types: Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.• Satvic Diet is made of foods that keep the body-mind complex clear, balanced, harmonious, peaceful and strong.Basically vegetarian, around 80% raw and 20% cooked foods, abundant with different sprouts, legumes, grains, seeds, baby greens, fresh fruit & veg., soaked nuts and seeds, honey and raw milk.• Rajasic Diet stimulates nervous system- coffee, green and black tea, tobacco, fresh meat, lots of spices, garlic, pepper and onion. Helpful to stimulate action for working.Imbalance is agitation and restlessness resulting in Burn-Out as the foods push the body-mind beyond their natural limits.The tastiness of the foods distract from the inner somatic (bodily sensation) experience, propelling outward into often imbalanced physical, emotional and mental activities.• Tamasic Diet is processed, stale, spoiled, overcooked, decayed, left-overs, fast foods. Synthetic foods, chemically treated, preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, artificial flavours and sweetners; commonly addictive Drugs too such as alcohol, cocaine, opium and amphetamines.Foods and substances that are not alive anymore, they contribute toxic by-products that affect our mind and nervous system adversely, Accelerating premature aging ad chronic degenerative disease. They bring out the lethargic, negative and irritable.• The modern western Diet - is Tamasic and Rajasic, with processed foods that weaken and stimulating foods that keep people active. When food is examined in relationship with the presence or absence of health in an individual it is not surprising that so few people are in a state of positive health. Most people are not eating sufficient live foods that are nutritious to their bodies and would find it difficult to change to a truly healthier diet, as their body and mind would rebel and demand the old foods out of habit. This ability of ours to create and preserve a habit is helpful and yet at times our ability to change is required to steer ourselves in a new clearer directions.Sho is founder and director of Karuna Detox Retreats, the UK's first holistic detox retreat. A pioneer in the field of holistic detox, she is trained in Nutritional healing, Systemic (Family) Constellations, Yoga, Meditation and Non-violent communication. She shares her knowledge of these on retreat, as well as offering Chakra readings, mapping out your unique energy distribution.Learn more about detox, weight loss, and creating the body you desire on a Karuna Detox Retreat. For details phone 0800 112 3033 or see
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