Squeeze Pages, The Real Deal

       By: Karl Stadler
Posted: 2006-08-23 20:16:48
Squeeze pages or landing pages, you have heard about them, you have seen them; you might not even have noticed when you were on one of them.Do they really squeeze money out of visitors?The real question is however: “Why are so many internet marketing businesses failing?”Honestly, there is so much information available on the net, for sale and for free on how to create a profitable internet business. How is it possible for so many to fail?Is success only deemed for a few or are most marketers just simply failing to do the basics right.What many first time internet marketers fail to realize is that the internet like any other business needs your time and effort.There is no autopilot business. The people that are on autopilot, or claim to be, have meticulously created their sites over a period of time and it now seems to be running on autopilot. It still requires work and attention to keep it going in the right direction.There are a few basic elements to consider when starting your internet business.You need to be prepared to do some work.You have to create your own site.You have to make your pages SEO friendly.You need to get your site indexed.And most importantly you need to build a list. You will notice that every successful internet marketer does two things well over and over again.They continually build their list.They follow up on every visitor that showed an interest in their product. The money is in the list, you can read it anywhere on the net. It has been proven over and over again that if you have an active list you will make money, either from them buying your product or promoting your product as affiliates.So how do you go about building your list?First of all you do not want a generic list, meaning that all your subscribers are opting in from one form to the same autoresponder where you have one bland sales letter after another going out to all of them.This is a recipe for disaster to put it mildly.You need to create different lists for different niches. So when you send out an email targeting a specific product or service you are promoting you know exactly which one of the lists you own is the correct target market.To achieve this you need to create squeeze pages or landing pages for each of the affiliate products you promote which is linked to a separate autoresponder for each.Every squeeze page needs to be unique to the audience you are targeting.You must have an opt-in form on each squeeze page to ensure you are able to contact the visitor again.You need to create seven to ten follow up emails for each opt-in list.You need to create an offer which is related to the product you are promoting in exchange for the visitors email address. This can be an email course on a subject, an ebook, report or anything that the visitor will find interesting related to his search and the product you are promoting. Very few people buy with the first visit. Most sales are made after seven or more emails have been sent to the visitor.This is the secret to multiple sales and a high conversion rate for your products you are promoting.To answer the question at the top “Do squeeze pages squeeze money from visitors?” Yes they do, if used and implemented in the correct manner.
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