Writing For Yourself - What it Really Means

       By: Jimmy Callahan
Posted: 2009-01-22 07:25:35
I know as a writer you always hear how you should write for yourself, but what does that really mean? Does it mean that you should write continuously, never publishing anything and keeping every word you put to paper to yourself?No. Or, I don't think so, at least.I believe writing for yourself if writing about things you believe in and putting down the thoughts which you need to express. If it means you must code them into a fictionalized story rather than write a one-hundred-per-cent fact-laden book full of private details that may be embarrassing for you or other members of your family, then that is what you have to do to get your writing out of your system.See, for me, writing is like flushing an infected system. For me, writing is not only therapeutic, it is also a great way to express my creative side. I have fun with writing and I enjoy causing people to react strongly to the words I've put to paper. My goal is to get a reaction every time that I sit down in front of my computer intending to put out a new article or a write a new short story.So, in conclusion, writing for yourself simply means writing about things which you deem important or find therapeutic. If you receive any kind of benefit from writing it, then you are truly writing for you, so don't place so much emphasis on what everyone else thinks. It's all about having fun with the words you're putting to paper!
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