Exploring Your Higher Mind - The Role of Our Subconscious Minds in Enhancing Creativity

       By: Simeon Hein
Posted: 2009-01-20 07:28:43
Sensing Your Supermind.What does it take to get in contact with your Super mind? Not as much as you may think. Many of us have been trained to only listen to our rational, left-brain thinking mind. We tend to ignore our intuition if it doesn't fit with our rational mindset. This is because we are used to thinking everything through in a logical, step by step way. However, the subconscious mind is much more holistic and direct. It can perceive a whole chunk of knowledge at once, seemingly in a blink of an eye, while the conscious mind has to work through things much more slowly.If we can learn to listen to the communications of the subconscious "under mind" as it is sometime called, we can pick up more information that we usually do. It's a matter of paying attention to subtle physical feelings in our bodies and emotional states. Signals from the undermind are much fleeting and transient than rational thoughts.What are the Characteristics of Higher Mind Thinking?You'll immediately notice a different quality to higher mind thought. It tends to be more fleeting, transient, and transitory: in other words it doesn't feel quite as "clunky" as typical, rational thought. You may feel a sense of excitement when you receive this type of information, a feeling of vigor and immediacy. This is because the thoughts originate from a multi-dimensional collective mind that is, in a sense, above the playing field of everyday life, so it can "see" all the options and alternatives that our physical senses cannot. It takes a wide view. You can feel this sense of possibility, expansion, and depth.Characteristics of rational thought: * linear
* micromanagement
* sequential
* analytical
* step by stepWhen Does Higher Mind Thinking happen?Typically when you are in a relaxed, calm state, you are more likely to receive higher mind communications. Our typical, rushed, time-oriented mindset sets us up in a left-brain, rational mode which precludes the more holistic, emergent type of thinking typical of the higher mind. So if you deliberately give yourself time everyday to enjoy non-focused attention: activities that allow you to feel your own type of body-mind coordination, some "spaced-out" time, you are more likely to experience this broadened type of consciousness.Activities like walking, bicycling, gardening and other physically active yet relaxing things to do set you to receive this type of creative thinking. Thus, creativity seems to be the key to connection with the higher mind. Another way to think about this is that it is reminiscent of the "zone" state that successful athletes get into. It's a type of non-focused attention that leads to emergent thinking.characteristics of emergent thinking: * non-focused
* holistic
* spontaneous
* non-linear
* chaotic
* evolutionaryThe Role of CreativityCreative states of being are key to activating our link with higher mind. This is because when we are in a creative state, our physical mind lets go of its ordinary mental routines and lets new information come through into our awareness. It's almost like a state of higher potential, when we stop blocking information that doesn't fit our existing mindsets. In this state of mind, we get into the flow of information transfer and are capable of doing things that exceed what our rational mind can conceive of . Thus, the key to higher mind thinking is to simultaneously cultivate a state of creativity and relaxation so we can achieve our higher potential. Dr. Simeon Hein is the author of OPENING MINDS: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance and PLANETARY INTELLIGENCE: 101 Easy Steps to Energy, Well-Being, and Natural Insight. His website is Crystal Blue Mind.
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