Check Up from the Neck Up

       By: Robert Prentice
Posted: 2006-08-16 20:12:51
I am firmly convinced that 99.9% of everything in life boils down to our attitude. That’s why I believe that every day we should do what I call a “check up from the neck up” to discern what our attitude is communicating to others around us. If what we discover, is a negative attitude, then of course, an adjustment is obviously necessary.Sometimes other people–often those closest to us–may bring to our attention exactly what our attitude is speaking. I know for a fact that if someone is spewing out a bunch of negativity, chances are pretty good they have a negative thought life. And the reverse is also true: If a person goes around espousing positive bits of information, chances are pretty good they have a positive thought life. Whatever one thinks and believes will come out in their words, thoughts, and actions.We human beings have been so wonderfully created, and have been given such a marvelous capability to change our attitudes, as an act of our will. We all have the power to determine what our own attitudes will be in any given situation. Even when surrounded by people with bad attitudes, we can choose not to let their negativity affect us. We can determine to respond in a positive way, even in the most negative of circumstances. It takes only an instant to shift an attitude, and we can if we have the want-to. Why would we ever choose to live in the muck, when we have such an incredible gift at our disposal?My encouragement for you today is to stop for a moment and do a quick assessment–a “check up from the neck up.” Listen to the way you speak to others, and notice the way they respond to you. How is that attitude of yours? Are you an encourager, or a person who tends to tears others down every chance you get? Do you speak positive things about life and other people or just grumble and complain all the time? Are you generally enthusiastic and filled with joy, or gloomy and pessimistic?If you don’t like the answers you come up with, you’d better get that attitude of yours adjusted right away. Don’t delay! But don’t stop there! Do a “check up from the neck up” every day. In fact, do it as many times a day as is necessary, because, when it’s all said and done, it all really does boil down to attitude!
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