Is Time Management Really Possible?

       By: Jordi Shoman
Posted: 2006-08-12 19:26:49
Time management- is it possible to manage your time so that you have enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you want to do. You go to work, handle a myriad of details and then you have to come home and face the chores that might take you the better part of the night, only to go to bed and face the same thing the next day. One basic part of time management that many people forget in the hustle and bustle of daily life is to make time for yourself.Making time for yourself is not only energizing and relaxing, it is also healthy. When you spend all your time working, you will find the effects manifesting itself as stress and illness. Look at your daily routine to find out if there are any areas where you are wasting time that would be better spent on more important tasks. Ask yourself if what you really think is important is as essential as you think it is. Quite often we spend a lot of time doing things a certain way that can be accomplished so much faster and easier by taking a different route.Another aspect of time management is learning how to delegate tasks to others. This can free up a lot of your time and make someone else feel as if they can make a meaningful contribution. This applies to your home life as well as your work life. Something as simple as asking children to put their dirty clothes in the laundry basket or taking time to teach them how to make the beds can give you much more free time than you realize.If you make a timetable for yourself, you will find that you can accomplish much more in a short period of time. When you set a goal for managing your time, you will be surprised at how easily the amount of stress you are under decreases.
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