What Foods Reduce Stress?

       By: William Lee Wei Liang
Posted: 2008-09-13 01:00:17
In the hustle and bustle of city life, we are usually in short supply of time. This includes short of sleep, short of exercise but never short of food. When we are running around in the rat race, there's always ample supply of fast and tasty foods around for us to eat, but will that plate of fried rice, McDonalds happy meal or KFC bucket actually add to our stress levels in the long run?It's been said that in times of stress, for some people, carbohydrates can help provide a semblance of temporary relief, reducing your stress levels. However, this tends to lead to people binge eating when they are facing times of pressure or frustration, eating chips, cookies and whatever else they fancy, usually at night.In the long run, your body suffers from this, making you unhealthy and overweight, which can lead to self esteem issues, dropping your self confidence levels and adding to your stress when you thought you would be reducing it.Here are some foods that can reduce your stress levels but keep you healthy at the same time.Water - Should be taken in high quantities as it is good for the skin, flushes out toxins and keeps your kidneys in proper shape. Take at least 2 liters a day.Fresh Vegetables - Fruits provide a host of vitamins and minerals, such as carrots, which are good stress and if full of nutrients. They also contain fiber, which helps with bowel movements and constipation. The long term effects of stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, so eating plenty of fiber can help.Skimmed milk - It contains less than 3% fat which is appropriate during stress. Milk also contains tryptophan which is essential for the synthesis of 5HTP or serotonin which is a mood stabilizer which helps in pacifying an anxious or stressed person.Ground flax seeds, walnuts, salmon, soybeans and pumpkin seeds - All contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acid, which is know to help overall fitness of the heart.Here are some foods not to eat as they may actually increase your stress levels.Caffeine - Although coffee may give you a wake up hit in the morning or when your stressing over a deadline, later on it will end in a caffeine low. When your body is stressed, the caffeine found in coffee or tea will actually stimulate the central nervous system and can cause a hyperactive mood, which may lead to irritation and stress.Alcohol - It can cause personal problems with family, friends and coworkers, disrupt sleep in large doses and a host of other problems.So overall, just keep yourself healthy and full of nutrient rich foods as although it may not seem like it's reducing stress levels immediately, it will eventually lead to a more stable and calm frame of mind. For immediate stress relief, try some exercise.William Lee tries to give stress, relaxation and anger management tips to people living in big cities in any and all situations that may cause them stress. This article is copyrighted, all rights reserved, and it may be used only if kept entirely intact with the author's name and URL.http://cakapcakap.com
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