Mojo, What Exactly is It?

       By: Sharon L. Green
Posted: 2008-09-04 01:35:25
The American Heritage Dictionary says MOJO can be:1. A magic charm or spell2. An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo3. Personal magnetism; charmI'm partial to #3. Several years ago, I set out to create myself complete with all the charm and magnetism I could muster!! I call my Mojo an intentional lifetime achievement. In my mind's eye, it doesn't just touch every part of me, it IS me. This special "thing" I call my Mojo, didn't happen overnight, on the contrary, it was a long time coming. I was a pretty nice little kid, but a mindless young adult (a late bloomer, this mindlessness should have happened in my teenage years). As the years rolled by, sometimes I felt like Don McKlean's "Vincent", and other times I felt like Superwoman.Mostly, I've just known that I've not yet arrived. For a long time, "arriving" was really important to me, and that's where I put my focus. But over the years, I've learned to be more gentle with myself. I enjoy the journey...most days, and I continue to "practice" being the best person I can be. I learn more about what that means each time I add a new cool thing to my Mojo bag. The best thing about Mojo is, those cool things build upon each can't know one until you know the cool thing that came before it! But when you become intimate with one great "way" of being, many more awesome "ways" are miraculously added to your Mojo gratis! work involved on my part! So when I added kindness, kindness added grace. Then grace added generosity, that added gratefulness, etc. And here I am. Likable, sometimes charming, always grateful...working on humble.My reasons for making changes were always pain related, loss related, and fear based. Truth is, I just hurt so badly from time to time because of my crazy choices, that I BEGGED God to change me. If I could have done this miraculous stuff myself, of course I would have in a New York minute. But if I could have done this miraculous stuff myself, I would have experienced the pain only once, and not tons of times (which drove me to the begging).Webster's Dictionary says the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing again and again, expecting different results". That was me (still is sometimes). But for the Grace of God, I'd still be wallowing in self-pity...thank goodness I know when to ask for help...and that I Mojo.As a Virtual Assistant, Sharon helps people like you all over the United States "grow" and maintain their businesses and market their websites. Your expense for a VA is much less than an employee you would office and provide benefits for, the service is outstanding, and the work produced is of excellent quality. Visit BUSINESS MOJO at today and see how Sharon Green may contribute her professional expertise to your business, educational work, or job search.
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