Decapitate the Hate in 2008

       By: Lance Winslow
Posted: 2008-09-02 23:53:31
There can be no doubt that there is indeed too much hate in the World, it seems to be everywhere we turn. Worse, it is almost as if the mass media continually incites anger, and controversy. Some folks get so worked up that they turn their anger at one another. More and more are disrespected and turn towards revengeful verbal attacks. It's time we all took a break; it's time now in 2008 to decapitate the hate.If we look at this problem from a logical standpoint, then it should be obvious that tearing ourselves down from within serves no purpose. Indeed, that old saying comes to mind; "Divide and Conquer" is a very wise comment. Think for a second that by dividing ourselves we are conquering ourselves from within.Now consider the things you hate in your own life, all the hate from within, that which is inside. Can you now begin to see how this hate is destroying you from the inside out? Well, the same thing is happing to you that is plaguing our nation right now, as we allow politics and chaos to invade cooperation and tear down our strength.It is time to throw away our differences and get back to what makes us great. We must dump the hate in 2008. You must dump the hate within you too. We all must agree to cooperate and stop the hate. Together we can do this, but with that said; it can only be done with everyone's permission, we cannot force people to stop hating, we can only lead by example and show them that hate is a dead end.
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