The Decision to Declutter - Life Changing Intelligence

       By: Kena Chaput
Posted: 2008-09-02 02:00:03
Are you ready to make a decision to declutter? Life can change for the better if you're prepared to take a step toward massively improved organization. Let's look at just a few of the ways that a commitment to get rid of clutter can transform your life for the better.There is the matter of efficiency. If you're organized, you lose fewer things. You can always find what you need. You don't need to fight overstuffed closets, bulging shelves and maddeningly disorganized drawers every time you need something. The things you really use and need are always readily available to you, without struggle.Not only is that a satisfying feeling, it's also amazingly efficient. You probably don't even realize how much time and energy you're currently squandering in chaos and clutter, but you will find out once you start enjoying the fruits of an effort to declutter.Life just gets better overall. There are startling psychological and emotional advantages to capture when you get rid of clutter. If you sometimes feel down on yourself because of your current disorganization or experience a sense of shame because of your surroundings and lack of control, you can look forward to those feelings just melting away.You can also look forward to decluttering as a way to improve your overall quality of life in other ways. Things will be calmer, more controlled and far less stressful. Overall, decluttering is an amazing way to make every day life happier and more fulfilling.Are you a chronic clutterer? Are you in need of some help with your "stuff" problems? If so, find a top-notch plan and get ready to finally make a difference. Get ready to declutter. Life will be much better for you if you do!If your "stuff" is beginning to accumulate to the point that it is making you uncomfortable, you need to take immediate action. Learn how to get rid of clutter now.It's amazing. You may think have some idea of how frustrating clutter and disorganization is to you, but you can't really understand how significantly it is crushing the quality of your life until you've solved the problem.There is nothing like an organized, clutter-free life. You'll notice a greater sense of peace and calm, wildly enhanced efficiency, a feeling of security and control, and a general sense that you finally have everything "together".Kena Chaput has fought the clutter war herself and she emerged victorious. Now, she wants you to improve your life. She wants you to learn how to declutter.
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