9 Ways to Instant Charisma

       By: Les Gore
Posted: 2008-08-28 06:08:38
The summer is winding down but there's no stopping the heat coming from both sides of the long, drawn out presidential campaign.What do you look for in determining your choice for president?Are good communication skills critical to success? As in business, how important are one's technical skills, experience and expertise? Is likeability more important than experience? What about charisma? Does Obama have these qualities? Does McCain? Does it matter?According to a recent article in the New York Times, there is a common belief that says being president should be more a "vision" job than a "management" job. What do you think?We'll soon find out."Charisma," according to Merriam-Webster, is a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader); also, a special magnetic charm or appeal.We all know people who are charismatic. They have that remarkable, easy ability to attract others-and opportunity-their way. Maybe you already have that quality, but if you don't, the following tips may help you develop the power of attraction and widen your appeal.Search firm recruiters tell ExecuNet, an executive career, business and recruiting network, that "charisma" is typically in the top 10 list of words they equate with leadership. It goes without saying, likeability has strong professional implications.For the hundreds of client companies I have worked with over the years, personality and chemistry-being a good "cultural fit"-has stood out as the most important "success" factor when evaluating and selecting a candidate for consideration in a senior leadership role."In a job interview, you are more likely to be hired if the interviewer likes you as a person. In a business situation, you are more likely to get deals done and gain favors. In a personal situation, you are likely to gain trust and loyal friendships." This simple and often overlooked advice comes from a piece I recently came across in ThinkSimpleNow-a candidly written lifestyle blog on finding clarity, motivation, creativity and personal happiness-which itself was cited in a recent ExecuNet article.Practicing these techniques may not instantly turn on the charisma switch, but you will likely be more engaging, more memorable and more confident. It may also help you recognize the next leader your company will be hiring.1. Mirroring: Subtly mimic the other person's physical behaviors.2. Remember names: This is an essential business skill and one that is not easy to master if it doesn't come naturally.3. Be interested: Ask questions of others and practice active listening.4. Allow others to talk: Someone once told me there is a reason we have twice as many ears as we have mouths.5. Intention: Forge an internal connection by wishing someone good thoughts.6. Offer help: The underpinning to networking.7. Smile: This one action can quickly improve your or someone else's day.8. Authenticity: Keep it real.9. Enthusiasm: Nothing is more contagious. (I'm adding my own)Les Gore is founder and managing partner of Executive Search International, a Boston-based, nationally recognized search firm and a 25-year veteran of the "recruiting wars." http://www.execsearchintl.com
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