Overcoming Loneliness - 10 Ways to Survive Being Alone During the Holiday

       By: Rick Cowles
Posted: 2008-08-23 07:14:22
Although holiday season is considered a time of joy and love, but for a number of folks, it is also a time of loneliness. Those without someone special in their life often find themselves full of anxiety and loneliness during this time of year. There are also people who are spending holidays alone for the first time after the death of someone close or a divorce. The lost of loved ones and relationship break-up can intensify the feeling of loneliness especially during holidays. If you're experiencing loneliness that adds to your anxiety and sadness during the holiday season, here are some suggestions to help you out.1. Understand it is ok to feel lonely and sad sometimes. Know that you are not alone and there are many people who find themselves isolated during the holidays, wishing they could be with family and friends.2. Appreciate your time alone and look at it as a time of solitude and reflection. Use this time to indulge yourself in something you enjoy doing but couldn't find the time.3. Think positively and learn to build confidence in yourself by accepting who you are, whether you are single or alone.3. Examine your feelings and express them creatively through Dance, Write, Paint, Rest and Play.4. Go out and get yourself involved in some activities. Volunteer in community services or just spend time at the book stores or coffee shops, talking to people.5. Get in touch with friends and family, invite others to come to your house and celebrate holidays together.6. Take a walk in the park or surround yourself in nature. Relax and leave all your worries behind.7. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are living alone, you may want to find out from your community agencies if they offer special services or programs for people who live alone, such as a telephone reassurance program, etc.8. Get a pet. Pets can be great companion to help beat loneliness.9. Read some books and listen to music that will encourage you in a healthy and positive outlook.10. Take action. Nothing is going to change if you just sit there. Put it into practice what you have learned here.If loneliness is robbing you of your joy during the holiday season, it's time to fight back to regain your confidence and contentment. Overcoming loneliness is not easy and takes time, but with courage and determination, you can definitely triumph over your loneliness.Rick Cowles is a Personal Life Coach who has more than 5 years of counseling experience. He is also the author of the ebook "How To Break Your Loneliness" - based on his experience helping people who are suffering from loneliness and depression. Visit his website at http://www.BreakLoneliness.com for more information on how to download a copy of his latest ebook.
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