Why Online Sales Are Emotional

       By: Mark Kimathi
Posted: 2008-07-05 08:13:06
The differences in media may introduce challenges in the process of selling from a website. But the fundamentals of persuasion remain unchanged. This then means that online sales are not different from offline sales, and this includes the mix of logic and emotions.The logical versus emotional sales pitch is a confusing one especially to inexperienced salesmen. The truth is that a sales process is highly emotional. The tactics that include communicating benefits and use of consequences to ensure a sale, all target emotions. This is not to say that logic does not apply. Indeed logical perspective of your sales effort is mandatory because it is used by your web customer to justify and support their emotional decision.An internet persuasion process of low emotional charge results to low sales and/or involves selling very lowly priced products of low profits margins. Often it is both. This explains diamonds and Benzes. A good imitation of diamonds can be hard to differentiate from the real deal for a novice. A second hand Toyota-110 on the other hand will get you exactly where the Mercedes Benz would. The demand and consequently the prices of diamonds and Benzes lie in emotions.Having said this you should be aware that emotions are not hype. Sample the beginning of this real advertisement; "Modoc Oil - The greatest medicine on earth. It has no equal. It relieves all pain instantly: Toothache in one minute - Headache in one minute -- Earache in ten minutes - Sore Throat in one night - Neuralgia in from three to five minutes." You are probably thinking you have found such messages in your emails inbox and you always delete them.This particular emotionally charged advertisement was published in a widely circulated newspaper in the U.S in1985 and was a huge success. So much so it resulted to the company that sold the supplement to open a new plant to fulfill demand. Today no publisher would look at such an advert twice, it is considered hubris. And this is not without reason, such advert become common and abused by unscrupulous businesspeople.An average person searching for a product online will interact with several marketing messages and is very wary of hype. What will make you standout and desirable would be your ability to identify with your customers emotions - wants, needs and aspiration. In writing your sales-copy as well as designing your website remember, sales is ten percent logic and ninety percent emotion.Read Site Build It Reviews here. It is a leading All-in-One Small Online Business solution. Find out more about it, reviews of site build it here.
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