How Does Telogen Effluvium and Hypothyroidism Affect Your Hair?

       By: Rony Rost
Posted: 2008-06-21 04:57:45
Your hair is important because it helps create the personality you want people to see. Doctors likewise consider the hair as a representation of your health condition. Why is this so? Health experts believe that a healthy hair converts to a health body. Well, could be true, right? Have you ever seen a sick person with beautiful, shiny and full-bodied hair? I have not.Let us now move to the topic of this article, telogen effluvium and hypothyroidism. I am doing this to help you understand why your hair is thinning and what you can do to prevent hair loss in general. Of course, you will ask why I need to do this. The reason is because hair thinning or hair loss affects every individual be it men, women or children.In a normal growth cycle your hair grows in 5 to 6 years, goes into a resting phase and sheds hair in preparation for the new ones. After sometime, the cycle returns from growing phase, then resting phase then shedding.Now, if your hair follicles do not grow new hair from the fallen out ones, then you have hair thinning or hair loss problem. Men are generally more prone to baldness from hair loss than women. Hair thinning on the other hand is more of a problem for women than men. Gladly, hair thinning in women does not automatically convert to total baldness.What is telogen effluvium?Telogen effluvium is a disorder in which patients experience the resting phase of the hair prematurely. Your hair will stop growing and goes on a resting phase. Shedding of the hair will happen within 3 months. Hair loss will continue under the underlying cause of telogen effluvium is treated.What is hypothyroidism?Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid glands do not produce enough thyroid hormones the body requires to function properly. It commonly causes hair loss because the hair follicles do not receive enough nutrients to grow hair. Telogen effluvium therefore happens prematurely.In combination, telogen effluvium and hypothyroidism can cause severe hair loss and if treatment does not happen soon, baldness may be the result.Before I move on to the cause of hair loss due to telogen effluvium and hypothyroidism, please note that hyperthyroidism likewise causes hair loss.What are the common cause of telogen effluvium and hypothyroidism?Telogen effluvium• Severe stress
• Traumatic events
• Pregnancy and child birth
• Surgery
• Drugs such as blood thinners, arthritis medication and birth control pillsHypothyroidism• Iodine deficiency
• Drugs commonly used to treat manic depression.
• HereditaryUnderstanding telogen effluvium or the premature resting of the hair growth and hypothyroidism or the malfunctioning of the thyroid glands will help you avoid hair loss.Of course, ensuring that your body is well rested, active and nourished properly is the key for better health. Your hair will follow because the hair follicles are nourished properly. You will therefore avoid telogen effluvium and hypothyroidism if you are carefully avoiding what may cause hair fall outs.Enjoy life with enough self-confidence wearing your hair as a crowning glory.DHT Blockers
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