Identity Theft Solutions - What To Do Before It Happens To You

       By: Ron Jackson
Posted: 2007-12-09 04:49:00
ID Theft is effecting millions of people everyday. If it's a lost wallet, a stolen social security card, or theft of your complete identity. It is an epidemic.Money magazine reported that in a 5 month period, the data on nearly 50 million people was lost. The former special adviser on Cyber Security to the president said that he feared identity theft more than he feared Al Qadea. AP reported that our social security number has become better than cash, particularly in the drug trade. Where drug addicts steal your ss # and exchange it for drugs. What used to be considered a nuisance has become a full fledge epidemic. No matter how vigilant you are, or how thorough you are at shredding your financial statements there simply is no vaccine for getting it. You can reduce the chances of getting it, but there absolutely no way you can totally prevent itThe bitter truth is your data is being circulated on a daily basis throughout data basis all across North America, and if you travel, all across the world.Recently Choice Point , a data aggregator lost some information. Time magazine reported on the type of information the may have been lost on you. It is important to know that this type of information is out there and can be lost at no fault of your own.What types of information is being lost out there? Let's see! your name, your address, your ss #, your phone number, your drivers license, your car registration, your credit history, your birth certificate, your real estate deeds, your legal history, your fishing license, your military records, your insurance claims, your thumbprint, your DNA, This is just some of the information that may have been lost on you. No fault of your own.The shift is where the money is. Organized crime has taken over this plague. Simply because it's relatively easy money, with very little chance of getting caught. The return on investment is phenomenal. Your information can be sold over and over again. Illegal aliens are tapped into this market with a vengeance. The marketplace can provide them with everything from ss# to medical ID numbers, to credit cards for the right price.The is a multi-billion dollar industry, and growing exponentially every day.Newsweek July addition, A whole cover dedicated to the rampant spread of identity theft. reported that Daniel Bulli spent months trying to distance himself from a home he never owned a car he never bought, and credit cards he had no knowledge of, and accounts he never opened. He's angry: at the thieves for taking advantage of his good name, at the cops for not being able to catch the criminals, at the corporation for losing his information that allowed this to happen.Attorney Generals are trying to do what they can, but law enforcement doesn't have the resources to handle all of the cases that come in on top of their already burdened workload. With so little to go on it tends to be a large waste of their time. Thus it remains a low priority item.Prepaid Legal offers a service that provides help in all areas of identity theft. Before during and after. Can you see yourself helping us take this service to citizens across North America. Providing a service to help avoid the nightmare associated with this crime. Help them to sleep better at night. The trend is here. Prepaid Legal is the solution. You can position yourself in front of this trend, and at the same time, be proud to provide hope to the millions of people that ultimately will wish they had this service.Remember the IPod It's a great indicator of how trends take off. First people go through the learning faze. Then they recognize the need. This phenomenon is described as critical mass growth. In a 24 month period the growth took off tremendously. The same thing happened with cell phones. We all went through the cell phone craze. The need had to be created. Business people started using them. The resistance to buy one slowly went away, and now they're everywhere. Not a 2% increase, but 100s of percent a month. When critical mass is hit the growth just goes straight up. Same with online banking. Once people catch on the growth is tremendous.I can't tell you what this product is going to do in the market place, but I can tell you it is going to be huge.Recently we all heard about 40 million credit cards being put at risk when Mastercard revealed the largest security breach of it's kind. The hacker had gained access to a processing center with millions of credit cards from VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. This doesn't just happen in America. In Vancouver recently over half of Canada's financial institutions are reporting security breaches as well.In October of 2004 Business week charted the increase in Spyware attacks in less than one year. At 12 million percent. That kind of attack is what resulted in 40 million numbers being stolen.In 1995 we all started using Email. In approximately 2000 we went from practically having no virus protection to virtually every computer in the world having virus protection. This all happened in 24 months or so, because the problem became self evident. Identity theft is becoming self evident. If you turn on the television you'll see a story about it. If you pick up a magazine you'll see a story about it. Virtually everyday there's a lead story about it in some newspaperThe biggest misconception is that it's only about your credit card, and you can not in fact lose money. That is very simply wrong. It is about your entire identity not just your credit identity.Briefly I'll describe the various forms of identity theft and show that what we do is vastly different from what is offered out in the market place. There are five areas of identity theft. The first area is your drivers license. If some committed a violation using your drivers license and failed to show up for court, You would find out about it maybe at a routine traffic stop. When they haul you off to jail I promise you you're going to need to and want to call an attorney. It doesn't matter that it's New Years Eve at 11:30 pm. You need to speak with an attorney to figure out what you need to do if it wasn't you that committed the crime.The problem is most identity theft products do not define your drivers license identity as identity theft. Therefore they don't provide coverage for that.The second form of id theft is your ss# Also known as the secret list of id theft victims, because the federal government knows that your ss# is being used in 43 different places as an id number for income purposes. They just haven't told you. The first time you may known about it is when they send you some huge tax bill or tax evasion situation. At that time again your going to want an attorney to write letters, review documents, make phone calls, and tell you what you need to do and help you get the matter straightened out.The third form of id theft is your medical identity, otherwise known as your MIB(medical information bureau) file is extremely important to you. Someone may want to steal you MIB and have an aids test in your name rather than theirs. Which could affect your ability to get a job or insurance. It could certainly affect how you are treated if you were admitted to a hospital. Again you're going to want a lawyer to review documents, write letters, make phone calls, and help you resolve the problem.The fourth form of id theft is your character identity. Someone steals your name and commits a crime in your name. A teacher in Florida had her purse stolen by a women that turned out to be a prostitute.Whereby she started charging items to her. Eventually she finds out that she has charges of prostitution in her record. Is that important to her? I think so. Again she needed an attorney to write letters, make phone call, review documents, and help her resolve the issue. What if it was for drug trafficking or worse? Do you want to wait until Monday morning to talk to an insurance company that may or may not have it in their definition of what's covered.We have access 24/7 365 days a year access to an attorney in an emergency situation, so that you can get the proper help you need when you need it.The fifth form of id theft is your credit identity. The one you hear about all the time. It's also the one that if you listen to the ads, you might think that you can't lose money. Business Week on March 28th 2005 In an article entitled " Forget those comfy old rules about fraud" went very specifically into the fact that if you don't notify your bank or whomever within 48 hours you can start to lose money. At sixty days they don't owe you a dime back under regulation E. Read the fine print, and you'll see that the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh away. The problem is that many people don't find out for months, at which time it's too late for their programs to help them.Not at Prepaid Legal. With the help of Kroll, the leading Risk Management Team in the world. The company that was called in by the Kuwadi government to research Saddam Hussein's financial network. Also called in by Enron to help with the restructioning. Now they're called in by us for finacial and identity protection. What are they going to do? They're going to give you access to your credit report with continuous credit monitoring. There's nothing like finding out right away. But the most incredible difference with out company is we also have Identity restoration. Our team goes in for you with your permission and helps you correct your identity. This is powerful. Not a kit in the mail but real people working for you with the knowledge to fix whatever is wrong. Other companys offer what they call credit monitoring, which doesn't help you once the thieves are in the till.You can reduce your personal risk if you act before it happens, not after it's too late.Excerpts taken from (Crime Of The Century)available on CD and DVD Authored by John Gardner Jr. Hello; my name is Ron Jackson, my family and I am proud to finally represent a product that has the potential to do so much good for so many people all across North America, that I couldn't wait to share it with you.I'm very excited about this product. I hope that you can see the value in it as well. We are less than 2% market saturation now. That means that 98 out of 100 people you know have not heard of us or our product. Help us spread the word.
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