Stop Making Excuses And Gain Weight

       By: Thomas Sinfield
Posted: 2007-11-24 03:44:22
Just like loosing weight, it takes time, effort and thought to loose it. Are you will to do what it takes for you to put on those extra pounds and to turn it into rock hard muscle? Or are you happy making excuses?Here Are A Few Common Excuses:1. I Am Too Busy To Gain WeightPeople make times for the things that are important to them. All you need is 30min to an hour ever second day for the gym, and a little extra time to prepare a healthy meal that is full of calories that will help you put on weight. You always have time but do you want to gain weight and build muscle?2. I Have A High MetabolismSo what? So do I. This is one of the excuses I used to always make, but you know what? There are ways to slow your metabolism down. Stop doing so much exercise, sit down and take time to relax slow your life down and you will slow your metabolism down.3. I Just Can't Put On Weight!This is the cry of a desperate person, who needs to change what he is doing. Constantly trial new methods and ways for you to gain weight and build muscle. Often it is one tiny thing that will make all the difference, so keep searching until you find it.Don't make excuses, use your time more wisely and focus on new ways for you to gain weight. Excuses are for weak people - don't give in and let yourself become weak.Want to learn more about gaining weight and building muscle? Visit:
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