Enjoy Life by Making the Most of Your Time

       By: Paris Love
Posted: 2007-10-24 04:45:33
Helpful tips to get the most out of your time. You will never waste time again. Each item requires 5 to 15 minutes of your time.1. You can catch up on phone calls. Assuming the person on the other line doesn't get long winded.
In the event the person on the other end gets long winded, simply tell them you will call them back when you have more time.2. Address cards that you have been planning to mail for weeks.
Make sure you have the addresses and stamps to mail the cards. No need to hold on to them any longer than you have too.3. Place stamps on bills or cards.
Have you ever placed bills in your bag with the intent of mailing them once you obtain a stamp? Do you purchase birthday cards on time, but fail to mail them before the actual birthday?4. Gather the trash from inside the car.
In our fast paced society, having meals in the go is common. Make sure you empty the trash when you get out of the car. Gather the trash while you wait in line for the ATM machine or at a long stop light.5. Pay a bill or two.
No need to carry bills around. Release them back to the creditor.6. Update your schedule or to do list.
Jot down 3 to 4 items that you know you will be able to accomplish on that day.7. Plan your week or the next day.
As you wait in line, jot down items that you want to accomplish in the near future.8. Write a honey to do list.
Delegate tasks so you have more time to enjoy life.9. Write your grocery list.
"Never go to the store hungry." Always have a list so you don't over purchase or forget anything.10. Clean out your purse.
Cleaning your purse allows you to see what you actually have.Paris Love is a Professional Organizer serving Metro Atlanta and the Gulf Coast. Paris has written monthly articles for BrownSkin Magazine, OnlineOrganizing, Home Base Quarterly and the Covington News. Currently, Paris is passing on her passion for organizing by helping others live an organized and clutter-free life. For additional tips or information visit http://www.organizewithlove.com Paris and her husband, Willie live an organized and clutter-free life with their son and two dogs, Nikki and Leo.
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