13 "FAB" Tips To Go From Whiner To A Winner

       By: Eli Davidson
Posted: 2007-10-18 14:49:16
1. Center Yourself. Take in a deep breath. Let it out. Now,
breathe in brilliance. Exhale out the burden. Do this three
times so you feel more centered.2. Ask for the Greatest Good. As Mayor, take a moment and
claim your office, and ask that your solutions be for the
highest good for all.3. Set Your Intention. Set your intention to discover successful
scenarios.4. What Do You Want? Take a moment to think of something
fabulous you'd like to do, be, or have.5. See It. Let's say you want to double your income. Picture
yourself enjoying the fun and freedom all that dough will give you.6. Listen Up. What goes on in your brain when you see
yourself in those pictures? Do you hear all the reasons it won't
happen? "It's impossible." "I can't make more money." "I got
fired from my last job." "I'm not smart enough." Okey-dokey.
Thank your Criticism Committee for showing up.7. Make a Shift. As Mayor, you are the one in charge of what
you tell yourself. You can switch your self-talk.8. Quick, a Pic. Think of a way to make $1. Great. Now, think
of an idea for making $100. Super. Now, think of an idea that
will make $1,000. Excellent. Now, have a million-dollar idea.
$1,000.000. Well done! (Every hairbrained concept counts!)
Did you notice how you had different pictures for each?9. Brainstorming. Now, instruct your Mental Board to
brainstorm solutions-how to manifest the picture of what you
want. The best way to come up with a few really good ideas is
to start with lots of ideas. They don't have to be good. They
don't have to work. They don't even need to make a lot of
sense. Just create a downpour of possibilities.10. Write Them Down. Jot down your Solution Solutions as
they come to you (no editing or peeking from the Criticism
Committee, please).11. Review. Once you have ten ideas (silly, stupid, and
impossible ones count) reevaluate your list. Is there an
approach you hadn't thought of? Is there a next step you can
explore? Bravo! If not, that's fine too. You can keep playing the
game to find the solution, instead of looking at the problem.12. What You Focus on Grows. Stay focused on what you
want more of and how you can create it.13. Thank Yourself. Thank yourself for making a choice to
discover the power of positive focus.
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