DNA Light Transfer

       By: L. Winslow
Posted: 2007-10-11 12:43:55
Since we now have particle lasers, why not send along with those particles some DNA? Is it possible to send DNA by light-beams? Can we find a way to send DNA code as fast as the speed of light? What applications might we have for this? Well hypothetically speaking we get into Science Fiction pretty quick discussing this, but the potential applications if this is feasible in the future are endless. For instance consider:Using Laser Light to Repair the DNA from Astronauts in SpaceWe know that space radiation is a real problem for those who travel in space and until we solve this problem and the problems with bone loss in long-term space flight we will have insurmountable hurdles and barriers to cross before we head for the stars. Maybe we might be able to use such a concept to jump the gap in the future?Sending DNA Back in Time on Light BeamsIt has been theorized that we cannot travel faster than the speed of light due to the mass of our bodies, but if the DNA is riding on a light beam then we can send the human bio-logical codes? Some physicists now believe that someday we may be able to send light back in time or perhaps the precursory waves of a lighting event. Could the DNA surf those precursory waves to be send to its destination thru time? What if we encode those light beams with DNA instructions to progress our human ancestral cousins or predecessor species? Oh, yes of course we must also deal with the ethical issues of this too.Theory: Vibrational Energy Goes Both Ways in TimeDo the precursory waves of a disruption caused by the initiation of light waves go both ways - both forward and back in direction and thru time? Since we now believe they can under certain circumstances, then maybe we might find a way to also send our genetic DNA code the same way.What is time, but a series of; now, now, now, now, now and all we are asking is to pick a different now then we are now on? The future seems to be bright for the human genetic code and the future is now and someday, time may not actually exist at all?L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur. Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by http://www.Calling-Plans.com and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.
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