The Art of Making a Campfire S'more

       By: Lesruba Designs
Posted: 2006-07-22 20:09:59
Going camping this summer with the kids? As you sit around telling ghost stories you'll want to be sure to be eating the yummiest of summer treats - the campfire s'more!You'll need:
1. Chocolate Bars
2. Graham Crackers
3. Marshmellows
4. A Campfire
5. SkewersThe great thing about making a smore is that you can't really mess up. You might be a mess after eating them, but there's no wrong way to make a s'more!First, roast the marshmellows on skewers over a campfire and cook to your liking. Burn them fast or slow roast them until the outside layer almost falls into the fire pit. It's up to you.Next, shimmy the roasted marshmellows onto a graham cracker, top with a piece of chocolate then top with another graham cracker.Now, with both hands gently press your marshmellow "sandwich" tighter allowing the heat from the marshmellows to melt the chocolate. Open your mouth and enjoy.Repeat the above until you feel sick or run out of ingredients - whichever comes first.
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