Get Control Over Your Blood Sugar

       By: Matthew Wagner
Posted: 2007-09-25 12:21:21
It is recommended that those with diabetes attempt to maintain a blood sugar that is similar to that of someone without diabetes. This may not always be realistic though. That is precisely why it's important to utilize all the assistance you can from available health care professionals. Your main health care providers are your doctor, nurse, and dietitian. A dietitian is someone trained to help people plan meals and this is extremely important for someone with diabetes.There are basic things that anyone wishing to control their blood sugar should be familiar with.You need to consume food that is healthy.A very beneficial approach might be to consider the glycemic index of the food you're eating.The Glycemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrate-rich foods according to how quickly they raise your blood glucose level. Higher GI rated foods raise your blood glucose level more quickly than lower rated GI foods. Generally speaking, the lower the rating, the better the quality of carbohydrate. Not only do low GI foods raise your blood glucose more slowly than higher GI foods, they are generally healthier choices. Low GI foods are usually lower in calories and fat, while also being high in healthy things such as fibre, nutrients and antioxidants.Here are some helpful tips to get started on a low glycemic index diet:Use breakfast cereals based on oats, barley and bran, breads with wholegrains, stone-ground flour, sour dough; reduce the amount of potatoes you eat; use Basmati or Doongara rice; eat plenty of salad vegetables with a vinaigrette dressing.Additionally, you can help your overall diet and health by eating at regular times, choosing a variety of foods from all food groups, limiting your intake of sugar and sweets and reducing the amount of saturated fat consumed and substituting with monounsaturated fats such as olive oil. Limiting your intake of salt, alcohol and caffeine can also prove beneficial. Also, if using insulin, have an insulin shot before you eat and don't miss meals. Even if you're not using insulin, you need to ensure you don't miss meals.Exercise regularlyExercise is very helpful for your health and obviously diabetes. It will help you maintain a healthy weight, help to maintain a lower blood sugar and provide you with more energy.Additionally ensure that you take your medicine exactly as prescribed and that you test your blood sugar regularly.Unfortunately many people suffering from diabetes or blood sugar problems do not utilize these simple yet effective suggestions. If they did they'd be doing their health a world of good.
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