Overcoming The Inertia Of Negative Attitude

       By: Simon Meadowcroft
Posted: 2007-08-29 10:01:11
Sometimes people go through life with a negative attitude to everything, more often people have negative attitudes in one or more aspects of their lives which are holding them back in achieving their goals. The first thing to understand is that the development of a negative attitude is a process which may have taken place over a number of years.Take the case where somebody is unemployed and has persuaded himself that they he will never work again. He lost his job because of an economic down turn and for the same reason after thirty interviews over six months he failed to get a job. Each rejection became a reinforcement of the belief that he is unemployable and now he has become his own worst enemy at an interview expecting he will be rejected from the moment he arrives. He does not even bother to fill in applications most of the time because his internal negative apathetic voice tells him that it is not worth doing it only to be rejected.In another case a woman experienced a bad relationship which left her with a fear of becoming involved with people. After a number of unsuccessful tries with new people she now believes there is something about her that makes her inherently un-likeable. Further incompatible matches have reinforced that belief and now she does not bother to date anymore.In these cases the subconscious mind has been programmed to produce a negative outcome. Where the person is subconsciously undermining the likelihood of being successful in what he or she is consciously trying to achieve. In order to convert the negative attitude into a positive one it is necessary to reverse the process which caused the negative spiral in the first place.The first phase is to recognize when the negative voice is speaking saying "you idiot" or "you always screw up" and replace these statements with statements like "everybody makes mistakes now and again" and "I have a lot of good qualities". Then for every small success say things like "great job" and "I am doing better every day". Make use of friends and tell them about the successes so they might add their praise and further reinforce the developing positive attitude.In the end we have to remember it may have taken years of programming of the subconscious to produce the negative attitude so we can not expect to turn it around in a few days. Think of it like turning around an oil super tanker, there is a large amount of inertia and it takes time to turn it around.The process of turning a negative attitude into a positive one will take time and effort but with patience, persistence and the support of friends we can succeed in the end.I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writting articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.
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