Best Ways to Learn a Foreign Language

       By: Jamie Martinez
Posted: 2007-08-26 17:35:21
Learning a language can be quite easy if you just know how to do it. The best way to learn a language is actually a combination of the following techniques: listening and practicing with a native speaker, total immersion, specific language classes, researching the language.A great way to develop conversational skills is to practice with someone you know that speaks your target language. They may be a coworker, neighbor, friend of a friend, or that someone special. Regardless of their relationship to you, their knowledge will assist you in more ways thought possible. Speak with them regularly and pick up where you left off in conversations from the previous encounter. If the person is a coworker you may be interested in learning their specific on-the-job lingo in the language of study. Watch not only the native speakers themselves, but take notice of their facial expressions and gestures and the tone of their voice as it rises and falls with emotion as this is also an important concept to learn.Another technique to learning a language is total immersion. Some companies offer immersion courses in which you are flown to a secluded place and must live for a period of time with the language of study as the only means of communication. Host families in other countries will provide a home for those eager to learn the language in a more relaxed environment. Students of the language learn not only how to communicate but also the religious, social, and economical background of native speakers. A fairly less expensive method of total immersion is to watch movies, listen to the radio, and read what you can of the language continuously for a period of several weeks. Remember to take break and give yourself time to allow what you've learned to sink in. The results at the end of the immersion period will be very beneficial.One thing you may not learn through practice and total immersion is perfect language structure. Take classes taught in private institutes as opposed to college courses. They may be a bit pricey so check to see if they offer some sort of scholarship. Many employers will also reimburse a student for taking language classes in order to supplement job skills. Structural learning of the language allows you to learn more by knowing how to teach yourself.Such teaching can be compared to how you learned to read English-one concept builds upon another, and once you get the hang of it you can literally teach yourself new words and phrases. The aid of a certified teacher of the native language is great because you can ask questions that perhaps your coworker or neighbor can't answer. Simply knowing how to speak correctly will attract other native speakers instantly. You will appear more intelligent even if you haven't learned much yet.Remember in your study of a foreign language to research everything you can about the language and its native speakers. In which countries is the language spoken? Which of those countries have specific dialects? Approximately how many speakers of the language are there? From which language, if any, does your target language derive? Answers to questions such as these will generate more interest and a better understanding of the language. Such knowledge will also aid in beginning conversations with native speakers as they will be more inclined to assist someone that shows a particular interest in their culture and language.Just as it takes several years for a child to develop the ability to speak correctly, learning a new language may seem to take a lifetime. Don't let time get you down. Formulate a plan for speaking with natives and taking classes. Immerse yourself for a while, and learn everything there is to know about the language. As your vocabulary increases you will begin to identify words and phrases without even trying. Practice a combination of these methods and over a period of time people will be asking you how you learned to speak the language so well.More articles can be found at my website. I invite you to read them and submit your own ideas as well. Thanks so much for your interest!
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