Know Thyself

       By: Andrew J Wolf
Posted: 2007-08-26 17:34:16
"Know thyself": who hasn't heard of that? Imagine if you really did 'know yourself'. The question is then: how well do you know yourself? At how many levels do you understand yourself? The human being is a multi-dimensioned animal. The Body. Mind. Emotions. Spirit.Do you know your body? Do you know what it really is? Do you know the true essence of your mind? Of your emotion? Of your spirit?Let me tell you, from my 20 year experience, my understanding of it. Your body, your mind, and your emotions are all stem from our ultimate energy source: the spirit.The body is just a manifested, encapsulation of your spirit, withering day by day back to dust to allow the spirit to eventually return to its infinite source of power: the universe, God, the formless thinking stuff, whatever you want to call it.Your mind is the express way of the spirit, the driver's seat of the soul, a medium to communicate to other beings.Your emotions are simply your mind talking to your body, giving you feedback on whether you are aligned to the true nature of your spirit and your Source. When you are feeling joy, laughter, gratitude, passion, and all the other positive emotions you are most aligned with your Self. Your emotions are also the strongest waves of vibration that you communicate to the universe. You use your feelings and emotions to attract whatever these vibrations are like to. Fear, anxiety, and all negative emotions and feelings attract the situations, circumstances, the people, the behavior to sustain the negativity in your life.Therefore, your emotions can be used as a tool to create the life that you want. Master your emotions, master your life. If you can feeling the emotion of gratitude, of already having something you desire and feeling grateful for having it, even if you don't have it in the present, the universe will correspond. But, again, as you heard on the Secret, you have to feel it.But wait a do you feel these positive emotions? It's not like you have a "positive" and a "negative" button on your forehead. This is something I'm currently struggling with. And all I can tell you is to consistently and persistently think about what you want, about accomplishing a goal that you have set, and eventually the feelings follow like a shadow. Now, obviously, if you keep on thinking of the possibility of failure you're going to get that. You have to become "success conscious" as Napoleon Hill would say.Not only should you be consistent and persistent to generate the positive feelings, but you need to be aware of them. Just watch, be the actor playing the lead role in the movie of your life. You can start to become aware of your feelings by asking this question: "What am I feeling now?"And...don't judge it. Just be aware of it, and continue to be aware of whatever you're feeling inside.Finally, you have to believe it will all fall into place in the end. You have to believe that you are unstoppable, and nothing can obstruct your journey to the totality of existence. It doesn't matter if it feels like a lie believe you will find what you are looking for anyway, simply because it's more resourceful and more effective at getting you what you want.
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