An Overview of the 5 Types of Identity Theft

       By: Bernard Pragides
Posted: 2007-08-18 17:51:28
Identity theft can take many forms. Many people do not realize that there are actually five different types of identity theft. You can take steps to protect yourself from this nightmare, but first you need to know what you are up against. Here is an overview of the five types of identity theft.1. Financial identity theft is the kind most of us are readily familiar with. This is when a thief steals your information and sets up financial accounts in your name without your permission or knowledge. Basically, they pretend to be you and set up an entire financial portfolio in your name. This includes bank accounts, loans, credit cards, and even mortgages. In order to protect yourself from this type of identity theft, make sure you properly dispose of all personal and financial documents.2. Social security identity theft is a huge problem and is growing in popularity among identity thieves. In order to effectively pull off financial identity theft, a thief will need your social security number since all banks require it to open an account of any kind. Many thieves get this by dumpster diving, stealing mail, or email scams called phishing. Do not give out your social security number to anyone, no matter who they claim to be, over the phone or the Internet. Illegal aliens will also sometimes steal social security numbers since they are asked to provide one by their employers. Then, the IRS comes to you for any taxes owed on income you did not get.3. Medical identity theft occurs when a person who does not have insurance uses yours to obtain treatment. This is not good because the data from the other person is now in your file. Imagine if you needed a heart transplant or other major medical treatment at some point and your insurance refused to pay for it because they show you have already had that procedure done and will not pay again. This can also affect your ability to get health and life insurance.4. Driver's license theft is now easier than ever thanks to a book put out by the DMV detailing all of the states' drivers license specs. You can download information on any driver's license and make one that looks just like the real thing. Obviously, this can be a real issue when you receive a ticket in your name that someone else deserves!5. Criminal or character identity theft often ties in with driver's license identity theft. Nefarious characters who commit crimes will have a driver's license made with your info and their photo. They can then conduct their criminal activity under your name and then slip away when the authorities get too close. Guess whose door the cops are knocking on for the culprit?Identity theft is a major problem today. You need to be vigilant and guard your information closely. Don't give out personal information unless it is absolutely necessary, and destroy all correspondence before you throw it in the trash. Identity thieves are looking for an easy target, don't be one.So stay alert! Beware!Author and internet entrepreneur Bernard Pragides offers expert advice and tips regarding identity theft. Learn more about identity theft and fraud by visiting his blog at and his website for more helpful information.
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